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benefit from therapy. “Adherence to treatment” refers   of  patients  with  schizophrenia  or  depression  has
          to the extent to which a patient’s behavior conforms   been suggested. [22,23]  Phillips and colleagues, [23]  for
          to the advice of health professionals.  Although    instance,  considered  adherence to  treatment to be
          dropout and adherence to treatment are related      a factor that correlated with sleep disturbance and
          issues, there are also important distinctions between   depression. Their results showed that women with
          these two concepts. [5]                             greater sleep disturbances also had a higher level of
                                                              depressive  symptoms  and  poor  adherence  to  their
          Clinical  psychologists   have   reported   that,   medication regimen. According to these findings, [23]
          unfortunately,  non-compliance  with  homework      not only the severity of the disorder but also suffering
          as part of cognitive-behavioral therapy is a        from sleep disturbances might be related to treatment
          common  phenomenon  in  clinical  practice.   This   non-adherence in patients with schizophrenia or
          is problematic because research has shown that      depression. A possible role for quality of sleep in
          homework compliance is positively associated with   treatment adherence is further supported by the fact
          reduced symptom severity. [7]
                                                              that both schizophrenia and depression are co-morbid
                                                              with sleep disturbances. [24,25]
          Treatment non-adherence is a common problem
          in  patients   suffering  from   depression   or    However, to date, not much research has been conducted
          schizophrenia. [8]   In  cases  of  schizophrenia,  poor   on the specific factors that can be related to the non-
          adherence to medication and psychosocial treatment   adherence to treatment in patients with schizophrenia
          are prevalent and increase the probability of relapse   or  depression. As a result, more research  is needed
          and re-hospitalization.  In their review of 39 studies   on  the  possible  factors  suggested  in  the  literature,
          published in English since 1980 and specifically    symptom severity and quality of sleep, as being
          examining risk factors for medication non-adherence,   related to treatment non-adherence. The aim of the
          Lacro  et al.  pointed out that in those studies,   present study was, therefore, to investigate the possible
          the  mean  rate  of  non-adherence  to  medication  for
          patients with schizophrenia was 41%. Moreover, in   relationships between symptom severities, quality of
          their systematic review of 103 studies on adherence   sleep, and treatment adherence further. Thereby, noting
          to treatment by patients with psychosis, Nosé et al.    that treatment non-adherence limits the improvements
          reported  a  mean  rate  of  failure  to  keep  scheduled   in independent living, employment, and quality of life
          follow-up appointments of 24% in patients with      to a large degree in patients with schizophrenia or
          psychoses. Rates of treatment dropout are reported   depression is important.  First, patients with a more
          less often; the figures for this range from 20% to   severe depression were hypothesized to have worse
          56% in patients with schizophrenia. [12-14]  In patients   treatment adherence than patients with a less severe
          with depression, the severity of the disorder has   depression. Secondly, patients with schizophrenia
          been  associated with treatment  dropout  in some   who show more positive and negative symptoms were
          studies, [15]  but not in all.  Agreeing with Last et al. [15]   hypothesized to have worse treatment adherence than
          Leserman [17]  indicated that patients with depression   patients with schizophrenia who show fewer positive
          were  less  likely  to  adhere  to  a  treatment  program   and negative symptoms. A final hypothesis was that
          than patients without depression and experienced    patients who have a poor quality of sleep have worse
          worse outcomes in health.                           treatment adherence than patients who have a good
                                                              quality of sleep.
          Schizophrenia and depression are both seemingly
          dropout-prone disorders, [18,19]  but which specific factors   METHODS
          can be related to the non-adherence to treatment
          in patients with either condition is arguable. An   Setting and participants
          association between less severe psychiatric symptoms   The participants in this study consisted of 17 female
          and better treatment adherence was found,  and both   and 13 male adult patients with schizophrenia with
          the severity of the disease and the patient’s attitude   an average age of 41   (SD = 8.80) and 40 female
          towards the prescribed medication were found to be   and 18 male adult patients with depression   with
          related to adherence in patients with schizophrenia.    an average age of 45 (SD = 12.14). All participants
          In this case, the severity was found to correlate   were outpatients of the LVR-Klinik Bedburg-Hau in
          negatively with treatment adherence while the patient’s   Germany and were diagnosed by their psychiatrist
          attitude towards the prescribed medication was found   according to the 10th revision of the International
          to correlate positively with treatment adherence.   Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems
                                                              (ICD-10). [27]   Note that in Germany, the ICD-10 [27]  is
          Also, a role for quality of sleep in treatment adherence   used instead of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual

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