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with schizophrenia.                                 adherence; however, in general, the patients with
                                                               schizophrenia who  reported a worse quality  of
           Variables predicting degree of treatment adherence in the   sleep were more treatment-adherent than those who
           depression group
           For the group of patients with depression, a multiple   reported a better quality of sleep and not vice versa.
           regression analysis with “Degree of Treatment       The surprising findings that no relationships were
           Adherence” as the  dependent  variable  and the     found between quality of sleep and treatment
           scores on the BDI-II and the PSQI as predictors     adherence and between symptom severity and
           was conducted. Note that the adherent depression    treatment adherence in  the depression group are
           group had a mean of 13.44 days (SD = 2.02 days).    opposed to the findings by Ong et al.  who investigated
           Table 3 shows the results of the multiple regression   the risk factors associated with dropping out of group
           analysis using the enter method for predicting      cognitive-behavior therapy for insomnia and found
           “Degree of Treatment Adherence”. The scores on the   that short sleep duration and elevated symptoms of
           BDI-II and the PSQI were insignificant predictors.
                                                               depression at baseline could be especially associated
           Variables predicting degree of treatment adherence in   with an increased risk of early therapy dropout.
           the schizophrenia group                             Also, in their study, Phillips  et al. [23]  reported that
           For the group of patients with schizophrenia, a     women with greater sleep disturbances had a higher
           multiple regression analysis was conducted with     level of depressive symptoms and poor adherence to
           “Degree of Treatment Adherence” as the dependent    their medication regimen. Noticeably, research that
           variable and the scores on the PANSS-total (also    targets adherence to medication dominates research
           split into PANSS-positive, PANSS-negative, and      that targets adherence to  treatment.  Possibly,
           PANSS-general psychopathology) and on the PSQI      different risk factors may be related to these two
           as predictors. Note that the adherent schizophrenia   forms  of  adherence,  which  might  make  a  direct
           group  had  a  mean  of  12.82  days  (SD  =  2.43  days).   comparison between studies that target adherence
           Table 4 shows the results of the multiple regression   to  medication  and  studies  that  target  adherence  to
           analysis using the enter method for predicting      treatment difficult. This  suggestion remains to be
           “Degree of Treatment Adherence”. The scores on the   verified. Overall, to date, only a few studies have
           PANSS-total, PANSS-positive, PANSS-negative, and    been  conducted  on  treatment non-adherence  by
           PANSS-general psychopathology were insignificant    patients with depression and its predictors, [38]  so
           predictors while the score on the PSQI was a        further research is warranted.
           significant predictor. Moreover, the score on the
           PANSS-negative and the score on the PSQI correlated   Nevertheless, in the group of patients with
           significantly with “Degree of Treatment Adherence”   schizophrenia  in  the  present  study,  symptom
           (PANSS-negative: r = 0.31, P < 0.05; PSQI: r = 0.39,   severity and quality of sleep may be related to better
           P < 0.05).                                          treatment adherence. Steger et al. [39]  reported similar
                                                               findings. The researchers assessed medication
           DISCUSSION                                          adherence in a sample of 216 patients with a first
                                                               episode  of  psychosis;  the  assessments  were  done
           The  general  results  of  our  study  showed  that  for   at program entry and three and six  months later.
           the  group  of  patients  with  depression,  in  contrast   They found an association between early resolution
           to our hypotheses, symptom severity and quality     of negative symptoms and poor adherence. Patients
           of sleep did not significantly predict whether a    whose positive symptoms had been resolved
           patient  would be adherent to treatment or  not; the   after  three  months  of  treatment  did  not  show  a
           severity of depression and the quality of sleep did   change in adherence behavior compared to those
           not differ significantly between treatment adherent   whose symptoms persisted. On the contrary, early
           and non-adherent patients. For the group of patients   resolution  of  negative  symptoms  was  significantly
           with schizophrenia, in line with our hypotheses, a   associated with less medication adherence compared
           relationship was found between symptom severity     to the patients whose negative symptoms persisted.
           and treatment adherence, as well as between quality   Unfortunately,  patients  whose  negative  symptoms
           of sleep and treatment adherence; however, the      had been resolved but who were non-adherent
           directions  of  those  relationships  were  contrary  to   experienced a worsening of both positive and negative
           our expectations. Experiencing more severe negative   symptoms  at  six  month.  Steger  et  al. [39]   concluded
           symptoms was found to be significantly related to   that patients who experience a rapid reduction of
           better treatment adherence. Moreover, quality of    negative symptoms must be closely followed, as they
           sleep did serve as a significant predictor of treatment   are  at  high  risk  for  non-adherence.  As  a  possible

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