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single photon emission CT, and proton MRS are helpful   anticonvulsant should be routine in supratentorial
           in differentiating abscess from tumor. [31-38]     abscess, but duration is a matter of debate. [6]

           Brain abscesses were singular in 77.7% of the subjects   If serial CT scans show increased size of abscess at any
           and multiple in 22.3%, a result similar to that reported   time during conservative treatment with antibiotics or
           by Landriel et al. [39]  The frontal lobe was the most   no decrease in size within 4 weeks, a surgical procedure
           common abscess location in the patients, followed by   should be performed to confirm the diagnosis, to
           the temporal and occipital regions. However, in a study   obtain a sample for culture of identification of specific
           carried out by Cavusoglu et al., [40]  the temporoparietal   pathogens and sensitivity to particular antibiotics,
           region was the most commonly affected location.    and to remove as much purulent material as possible.
           Abscesses of unknown cause accounted for 54.94% of   Walled off abscess larger than 3 cm diameter and a
           the subjects, higher than the values reported for other   smaller deep-seated white matter abscess are unlikely
           series. [12,39,41-43]  In most large series of brain abscesses   to respond medical treatment alone. Standard therapy
           from developing countries, middle ear infection    for such lesions should be surgical evacuation followed
           has been reported to be the most common source of   by appropriate antibiotic. [47]  Instillation of antibiotics
           intracranial suppuration, a result similar to the current   inside the abscess cavity can be considered. A surgical
           study. [44]                                        drainage allows immediate decompression of mass
                                                              lesion and reduction of ICP that reduces the duration of
           The basic principle of treatment is the prescription   antibiotic therapy and hospitalization. It increases the
           of appropriate antibiotics with or without aspiration,   likelihood of cure. Surgery should be performed in case
           treatment of sequelae that is, hydrocephalus, seizures   of clinical deterioration, significant mass effect and
           etc., and eradication of primary source. [26]  According to   neurological deficit. Many surgical techniques have
           a number of authors, treatment of brain abscess involves   been developed, but there is no single best method. [48]
           aspiration of the pus or excision of the abscess, followed   At present, aspiration and excision are two common
           by parenteral antibiotic therapy. [1,5,6,12,45]  Empirical   procedures used. Role of aspiration versus excision
           medical therapy is the best avoided and should     is controversial. In choosing between aspiration and
           be reserved for patients in whom a bacteriological   excision, various factors including surgical morbidity,
           diagnosis has been obtained from a systemic source   success  rate and sequelae  such  as recurrence and
           or who are extremely ill that is, too ill to undergo any   seizure disorders also must be considered. Aspiration
           forms of intervention. [45]  Small abscesses and lesions   is a rapid and safe procedure, especially with the use of
           in the cerebritis stage respond well to medical therapy   stereotactic techniques, ultrasound or CT scan guidance.
           alone. [14]  The choice between conservative versus   It can be done under local anesthesia, on bedside, even
           operative treatment is influenced by age, neurological   in seriously ill or high-risk patients. Aspiration can be
           status,  location,  number,  size  and  stage  of  abscess   done at any stage of evolution of abscess. If no pus is
           formation. Each case must be individualized and    obtained, biopsy gives positive culture even in early
           treated on its own merits. Conservative treatment can   cerebritis  stage.  A  large,  superficial,  or  accessible
           be tried in patients who are alert, clinically stable   abscess can be aspirated via appropriately placed burr
           and  have  a  major  risk  for  surgery  and  anesthesia.   hole. Real time ultrasound, particularly in infants
           Treatment of sequelae that is, hydrocephalus, seizures,   with open fontanelle and stereotaxy provides precise
           etc., and eradication of primary source should not   localization. Free hand needle aspiration can be a very
           be neglected. The management should be done by     effective life-saving measure in the underdeveloped
           neurosurgeons prepared to operate at the first sign   world where stereotaxy is not available. [30]  More than
           of failure of medical therapy or where immediate   one aspiration may be required. Repeat aspirations are
           neurosurgical help is available. Medical treatment   often necessary for cure.
           alone should not be applied when the diagnosis is
           not yet confirmed. Abscess in cerebritis stage, or   With free availability of CT scan, role of aspiration
           walled off but smaller than 3 cm diameter could be   has increased, as abscesses can be detected easily
           treated nonsurgically with antibiotics alone. [27]  Serial   and follow up is available immediately. Some authors
           CT scans are crucial as it may enlarge despite adequate   recommended stereotactic aspiration/biopsy in all
           antibiotics therapy. [46]  The complexity of microbial   patients with suspected brain abscess regardless of
           flora in brain abscess necessitates empirical antibiotic   size. [49]  Aspiration has a place, both as preparatory
           therapy against both aerobic and anaerobic organisms.   to eventual excision (secondary excision) and as a
           Usually, intravenously administration of “triple high   definitive procedure. [48]  Multiloculated abscesses have
           dose” antibiotics for 2  weeks followed by 4  weeks   been treated with stereotactic aspiration of all loculi in
           of oral therapy is recommended. Corticosteroid can   single or staged aspiration. Encouraging results with
           only be used to reduce edema and administration of   endoscopic stereotactic evacuation of brain abscess has

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