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chemotherapy or target agents, [15,16,20]  it is irreplaceable  the cannulas. Dexamethasone sodium phosphate was
           in  the  treatment  of  NM,  despite  of  some  reported  diluted from 1 mL (5 mg) to 5 mL with physiological
           adverse  reactions. [21,22]   We  acquire  some  clinical  saline and then slowly injected into the subarachnoid
           experience about how to minimize the side effect and  space. During the injection, dexamethasone sodium
           how to institute the course of treatment.          phosphate was mixed with drawing back CSF repeatedly.
                                                              Methotrexate was diluted to 5 mL and then injected the
           METHODS                                            same way dexamethasone was treated.

           Inclusion criteria                                 Data collection
           Subjects were required to present with the clinical signs  The patients’ characteristics and treatment information at
           and symptoms consistent with NM, including headache,  the diagnosis of NM were obtained in the medical record
           confusion, cranial and spinal nerve involvement, nausea  from the Second Hospital of Hebei Medical University.
           and vomit. CSF (200 μL) was collected from a lumbar  Survival data, subsequent therapeutic schedule, and side
           puncture and it was centrifuged in (650 rpm) for 4 min  effects following discharge were obtained by making
           using Slide Centrifuge (Shandon Cytospin 4, Thermo).  the phone calls to ask whether there is paralysis, severe
           Cell  slides  were  May-Grunwald-Giemsa  stained  for  vomiting, headache within 48 h after intrathecal injection,
           5 min then phosphate buffers was added and incubated  or the symptoms of bone marrow suppression, such as
           for 10 min, followed by gentle rinsing with running  fever, infection, and low blood cell count. Overall survival
           water. The stained cell slides were observed under the  was calculated from the diagnosis of NM.
           microscope (Oil immersion lens ×1000, Olympus DP72).
           NM was diagnosed once tumor cells were found by    RESULTS
           experienced examiners as showed in Figure 1. Patients with
           cancer cells were allocated to intrathecal dexamethasone  The patients’ characteristics
           and methotrexate (IT DXM and MTX) group and palliative  Twenty-three subjects were diagnosed as NM according
           care group according to their families’ will.      to the positive CSF results as shown in Figure 1. Patient
                                                              characteristics were summarized in Table  1. Eight
           Subjects were discontinuous cases from 2006 to 2014  patients received IT DXM and MTX treatment as IT
           who did CSF cytologic exams in the CSF cytological  DXM and MTX group, and 15 patients as the palliative
           examination laboratory of the Second Hospital Affiliated  care group was treated with palliative therapy, such as
           to Hebei Medical University.
                                                              dehydrant drugs and painkillers.
           Treatment of neoplastic meningitis                 Among them, 22 subjects showed high intracranial
           After the NM diagnosis, the patients in IT DXM and   pressure (> 200 mmH O), with other common presenting
           MTX group received intrathecal dexamethasone 5 mg   symptoms including inability to walk (n = 3), varying
           and methotrexate 10  mg, two doses a week as an    degrees of visual loss (n = 9), hearing damage (n = 4),
           inductive treatment of 4 weeks until the symptom   sphincter disturbances (n = 4), seizure (n = 6), and
           was relieved  or  tumor  cells  reduced  significantly   confusion (n = 3). Furthermore, 1 patient received
           in CSFC examination. Then the patients underwent   systemic chemotherapy, 2 received whole brain
           treatments with a dehydrating agent, pain killer drugs,   radiotherapy, and 1 received ventriculoperitoneal
           benzodiazepines, as well as other supportive treatments   shunt  (VP shunt) treatment. All patients showed
           in the hospital. Then IT DXM and MTX was given one   positive results by CSFC exam.
           dose every 2 weeks in the outpatient department until
           the general condition severely deteriorated and could   Survival
           not sustain one’s life. Subjects in the palliative care   Overall survival  (OS) was assessed from the time
           group received supportive treatments in hospital or at   of NM diagnosis to death and then Kaplan–Meier
           home, according to the families’ determination based
           on the pain of lumber puncture or economic reasons.

           Intrathecal injections were conducted as follows: use
           of intravenous mannitol 250 mL was 20 min before
           lumbar puncture and remained throughout the process
           of lumber puncture. The infusion apparatuses were
           readily available in case of use of emergency drugs.
           Ten milliliter CSF was slowly drained out of the    a                       b
           subarachnoid space through a half-clogging needle for   Figure 1: Neoplastic meningitis was diagnosed when irregular‑shaped cells
                                                              with big nucleus (a) or high ratio of mitotic cells (b) in cerebrospinal fluid were
           CSF examination. The needle was then returned into   deep‑stained

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