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analysis (group by treatment as IT DXM and MTX     enter the Cox’s model (KPS, P = 0.935; age, P = 0.270;
           group/palliative care group; log-rank test) was    gender, P = 0.726; primary tumor, P = 0.220; cranial
           conducted [Table 2 and Figure 2]. The OS of IT DXM   nerve damage, P = 0.564; seizure, P = 0.605; confusion,
           and MTX group was significantly longer than that   P = 0.485; hemoglobin level, P = 0.434; albumin level,
           of the palliative care group (P = 0.01). The median   P = 0.658; globulin level, P = 0.781).
           survival of palliative care group is 7.53 weeks (5.5-9.57;
           n  =  15), and have the IT DXM and MTX group,      Bias analysis
           28.63 weeks (12.50-44.75; n = 8), of the total patients,   There are some innate biases in retrospective studies.
           14.87 weeks (7.93-21.81 weeks; n = 23).            Recall bias and confounding bias were the most
                                                              important biases in our study. Recall bias is innate and
           We collected the patients’ characteristics, symptoms,   uncontrollable, so the conclusion about IT treatment
           treatment method, and some laboratory examinations   may  be  not  well-grounded.  For  the  latter  bias,  we
           at the initial diagnosis of NM, including IT DXM and   analyzed some confounding factors between IT DXM
           MTX, KPS, age, gender, primary tumor, cranial nerves   and MTX group and palliative care group. We used
           damage, spinal nerves damage, seizure, confusion, and   KPS as a quantitative index of the subjects’ condition.
           level of hemoglobin, albumin, and globulin. We analyzed   There were no differences in KPS  (2 independent
           the possible survival ratio of these factors using Cox’s   samples t-test, P = 0.733) and gender (Fisher exact
           proportional hazards regression model and the method   t-test, P  =  0.367) between the groups, so we can
           of forward LR, by entering the factor when P < 0.05 and   exclude the imbalanced distribution of the KPS and
           removing it when P > 0.06. IT DXM and MTX prolonged   gender and its effects on the different OS between the
           the OS of NM (regression coefficient = -2.923), odds   groups. Age of IT DXM and MTX group is higher than
           ratio (OR) = 0.054 (0.09-0.323). Spinal nerves damage   that of palliative group [Mann-Whitney U, P = 0.043;
           decreased the OS  (regression coefficient  =  1.595),   60.5 (56.5, 64.5) vs. 55 (44, 66)]. Aged patients present
           OR  =  4.928  (1.382-17.579). Other factors did not   negative prognostic factors, [23,24]  but IT DXM and
                                                              MTX group had elder age and longer survival. This is
           Table 1: The patients’ characteristics             possibly because of the different treatment methods.
                                                n (ratio or   Given a small number of cases, we just compare the
                                                  range)      proportion of lung cancer and breast cancer, finding
           IT DXM and MTX group/                   8/15       no difference between the groups (Fisher exact t-test,
           palliative care
           Male/female                             9/14       P  =  0.685; P  =  1.0, respectively), so we conclude
           Age                                   55 (21‑67)   that the primary cancer type was at an equilibrium
           Presenting symptoms                                distribution. Moreover, there were some biases coming
            High intracranial pressure              22
            Unable to walk                          3         from the researchers because this study didn’t involve
            Visual loss                             9         blind method in experimental design.
            Hearing damage                          4
            Sphincter disturbances                  4
            Seizure                                 6         DISCUSSION
            Confusion                               3
           Cancer type (IT DXM and                            Neoplastic meningitis is a solid tumor at the advanced
           MTX group/palliative care
           group)                                             stage during which patients usually has severe pain
            Lung cancer                            4/6        and  must  administrate  painkillers  frequently.  The
            Breast cancer                          1/2        diagnosis of NM often leads to palliative treatment
            Gastric cancer                         0/1
            Malignant melanoma                     0/1        that is intended to preclude the additional discomfort
            Unknown                                3/5        with aggressive treatment. Meningitis, seizure, vomit
           Concurrent treatment                               or sort of adverse effects were reported in the past
            IT DXM and MTX                          8
            Systemic chemo                          1         studies. In our study, the patients in IT DXM and
            WBRT                                    2         MTX group show no obvious side effects. This may
            VP shunt                                1         be caused by a small number of cases, but we think
           IT DXM and MTX: intrathecal dexamethasone and methotrexate;
           VP: ventriculoperitoneal; WBRT: whole brain radiotherapy  that side effects could be decreased if the drugs were

           Table 2: Overall survival of different treatments
           Treatment                   n               Median OS                 95% CI              P (log‑rank)
           Palliative care group      15                  7.53                  5.50‑9.57               0.01
           IT DXM and MTX              8                 28.63                 12.50‑44.75
           Total                      23                 14.87                 7.93‑21.81
           IT DXM and MTX: intrathecal dexamethasone and methotrexate; CI: confidence interval; OS: overall survival

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