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brain (11 cases), CSOM (22 cases), and congenital heart   preoperative neuro-deficit was observed in 131 (80.86%)
           disease (in 10 patients including 4 cases of Tetralogy   cases [Figures 2-4]. Complete resolution of an abscess
           of Fallot-TOF), infective endocarditis (3 cases), frontal   with residual preoperative major neuro-deficit
           sinusitis  (12  cases),  ethmoidal  sinusitis  (4  cases),   was detected in 9  (5.55%) cases. Persistent major
           and 3  patients were immunosuppressed or           neuro-deficit was hemiparesis 1, motor dysphasia 1,
           immunocompromised.                                 hand weakness 1, foot drop 1, monoparesis 2, sensory
                                                              dysphasia 1, nominal dysphasia and visual field defect
           Frontal lobe involved in 49  (30.2%) cases of brain   1. Coarse hemi-tremor resolved postoperatively along
           abscess, temporal lobe is next to involved in 37 (22.8%)   with abscess resolution. Mortality and morbidity with
           cases. Parietal, occipital, cerebellar and gangliothalamic   GCS  at  admission  and  GOS  on  last  follow-up  are
           zone in 22  (13.6%), 24  (14.8%), 21  (21.96%) and   shown in Table  7. Patients GCS on admission had
           9 (5.5%) cases respectively. Site distributions of brain   a significant effect on mortality in brain abscess as
           abscess were shown in Table 3.                     shown in Table 8. Six patients with congenital heart
                                                              diseases underwent cardiac surgery; sinus surgery was
           Operations used in brain abscess surgery were single   performed in 12 patients and 5 patients underwent
           time burr hole aspiration in 111 (68.5%) cases, two   mastoidectomy in a different sitting within 1 year after
           or more times burr hole aspiration in 34 (21%) cases,   brain abscess surgery without any mortality.
           excision of abscess by craniotomy in 16 (9.87%) cases
           and third ventriculoscopic (endoscopic) tubercular   DISCUSSION
           abscess drained with endoscopic third ventriculostomy)
           in third ventricular floor tubercular abscess in   Brain abscess is an intraparenchymal collection
           one  (0.62%) cases  [Figure  6]. Types of operations,   of  pus.  The  incidence  of  brain  abscesses  is  about
           residual neuro-deficit, mortality and outcome are   8% of intracranial masses in developing countries,
           illustrated in Table 4. Pus culture indicated negative   whereas, in Western countries, the incidence is about
           results in 145 (89.5%) cases. Anaerobic culture and   1-2%. [1,4-6]  Though potentially curable, there was still
           culture for Mycobacterium failed to yield any bacterial   a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. In the last two
           growth. Organisms isolated from pus culture are shown   decades, there is a major advance in the diagnosis and
           in Table 6.                                        management of brain abscesses, with a corresponding
                                                              improvement in the survival rate. In the development
           Total number of death was 22 (13.58%) cases. Complete   of brain abscess, inoculation of an organism is required
           resolution of an abscess with complete recovery of   into the brain parenchyma in an area of devitalized
                                                              brain tissue or in a region with poor microcirculation,
           Table 5: Gender distribution, number of abscess and   and the lesion evolves from an early cerebritis stage
           laboratory findings of patients                    to the stage of organization and capsule formation.
           Demographic variables                 Number (%)   Histologically, there are four stages in brain abscess
           Gender                                             formation: early cerebritis (day 1-3), late cerebritis (day
            Male                                  125 (77.16)
            Female                                37 (22.84)  4-9), early encapsulation (day 10-13) and late capsule
           Raised lab parameters                              stage (day 14 onward). About 2 weeks are required
            ESR                                   41 (25.35)  for  encapsulation,  which  is  usually  less  complete
            CRP                                   84 (51.85)
            WBC                                   78 (48.14)  on medial or ventricular side due to poor vascular
           Number of abscess                                  supply. [8,9]  The mode of entry of organisms could be by
            Single                                126 (77.7)  contiguous spread, hematogenous dissemination, or
            Multiple                               36 (22.3)                  [4]
           ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate; CRP: C‑reactive protein; WBC: white blood cell  following trauma.  The common predisposing factors
                                                              of a brain abscess are CSOM, congenital cyanotic heart
                                                              disease, and paranasal sinusitis. [1,5,10-12]
           Table 6: Culture‑positive bacterial‑fungal isolates from
           brain abscesses
           Bacteria‑fungus      Number of patients  Percentage  Immunosuppression  due  to  disease  or  therapy  is
           Streptococcus intermedius    2           10.5%     emerging as an important risk factor for the development
           Ps. Aeruginosa               3                     of brain abscess.  Here, we found predisposing factors
           Staphylococcus areus         4                     of brain abscesses were similar.
           Streptococus epidermidis     1
           Streptococcus pyogenes       3
           Streptococcus pneumoniae     1                     The most common organism isolated from a brain abscess
           Mycobacterium                0                     was Staphylococcus aureus in the preantibiotic era.
           Anarobic                     0                     Now, Streptococcus spp. have replaced Staphylococcus
           Fungal                       3                                                    [5,13]
           No growth                   145          89.5%     spp. as the most common organisms.   Based on the site
          Ps. eruginosa: Pseudomonas aeruginosa               of origin, the organisms would be different. Streptococci

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