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studied by Glasgow outcome scale  (GOS). Patients   in accordance with the therapeutic response and
           with evidence of neurological symptoms unrelated to   neuroimaging findings.
           brain abscess were excluded from the study as, there
           was evidence showing the patient had not undergone   Low-dose corticosteroid was used to manage
           a drainage procedure or intraoperative pus sampling   perilesional edema in first 5-7 days. Seizure prophylaxis
           and the patient was lost to follow-up within the first   or antiepileptic medication was applied in all cases and
           year after operation.                              continued for at least 2 years.

           Patients with features of suspected brain abscess were   Surgical intervention
           undergone preoperative computed tomography (CT)    Burr hole aspiration was performed under local or
           and/or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans with   general anesthesia for abscesses larger than 2.5 cm,
           contrast enhancement. The normal CT scan of brain   signs of brain herniation secondary to space-occupying
           finding was hypodense lesion with thick contrast   lesions (SOL) or ventricular proximity, abscess growth
           enhancing capsule with surrounding edema. By       during medical therapy or SOL of uncertain etiology
           conventional MRI, pyogenic  brain abscesses were   associated with neurological deterioration. If the
           identified by hypointense signal in T1-weighted and   size of the abscess on CT or MRI obtained after the
           hyperintense signal in T2-weighted, with ring-shaped   first aspiration increased or was not reduced despite
           enhancement and extensive surrounding edema.       antibiotic therapy, aspiration was repeated. During
           Conventional MRI with diffusion-weighted imaging,   surgical procedure, the abscess was drained completely
           and magnetic resonance spectroscopy  (MRS) were    and rinsed with saline containing gentamycin until
           performed when it was difficult to discriminate brain   the effluent was clear. Patients with poor response
           abscesses from cystic or necrotic tumors in our later   to repeated aspirations (with three aspirations) and
           cases of the series. MRS spectra in patients with   medical  treatment underwent  complete  excision
           abscess showed lactate, amino acids (including valine,   of abscesses through open craniotomy excision.
           alanine, and leucine), and acetate peaks while spectra   Postoperative abscesses where burr hole aspiration
           for patients with cystic or necrotic tumors showed   would hinder the fusion of the bone flap also underwent
           only lactate peaks. Hyperintensity was detected in   complete abscess excision through open craniotomy
           all the pyogenic abscess cavities, and hypointensity   excision. Patients with otomastoiditis and brain abscess
           was observed in all the cystic and necrotic tumors on   underwent radical mastoidectomy in a same time or
           diffusion-weighted images. A predisposing factor was   the second session.
           considered as any conditions or events which were
           directly related to the onset of a brain abscess. The   RESULTS
           neurological status at admission was evaluated using
           the Glasgow coma scale (GCS) and the outcome of the   Of 221 cases of clinico-radiologically diagnosed brain
           patients was assessed using the GOS on discharge and   abscess, 162 cases were surgically managed. Types of
           12 months after the operation. Chi-square test was   abscess [Table 1], predisposing factors [Table 2], site
           done to see the association between GCS on admission   of abscess [Table 3] and types of operations, residual
           and mortality in brain abscess. Standard laboratory   neuro-deficit and outcome [Table 4] are shown.
           tests including a complete blood count, erythrocyte
           sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein, blood   One hundred and thirteen cases were acute pyogenic
           cultures, and serum chemistry were conducted in    abscess [Figures 1-4] and 49 were chronic abscess. Among
           all cases. Case findings were based on the review   the chronic abscess, 29 were chronic pyogenic abscess, 14
           of microbiology laboratory data for all intracranial   were tubercular [Figures 5 and 6], 3 aspergillus [Figure 7]
           samples. All collected intracranial pus with or without   and 3 abscesses were in malignant brain metastases.
           abscess wall samples were transported promptly
           to laboratory microscopy, aerobic, anaerobic and   Age  range  was  3-72  (average 42.5)  years.  The
           fungal culture and sensitivity and histopathological   male-to-female ratio in our study was 3.37:1. Gender
           study. Initial empirical antimicrobial therapies were
           selected in accordance with the portal of entry and the   Table 1: Types of abscess
                                                                          Number of
           anatomical location of the abscess. Initial empirical   Types of   different type of   Chronic   pyogenic   Total
           antimicrobial therapy included a combination of     abscess  chronic abscess abscess (%) abscess (%)
           high dose of ceftriaxone/cefuroxime/meropenam,      Chronic       29        49 (30.24)  113 (69.76)  162
           flucloxacillin/vancomycin and metronidazole. Between   pyogenic
           4 and 6 days later, treatment either remained the same   Tubercular  14
           or was changed based on the results of antimicrobial   Abscess in   3
           sensitivity. Antibiotic therapy lasted for 4-8 weeks   metastases

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