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Page 8 of 31               Songthumjitti et al. Intell Robot 2023;3(3):306-36  I

               Absolute displacement of the robot end-effector,   , is the sum of absolute structure displacement,       , due to
               structure flexibility and relative displacement,      , from the actuator movement.

               Equations (3 and 4) are created by focusing on all forces applied to each mass; therefore, derived equations will
               get a transfer function, as shown in Equation (5).

                                                 ¥     = −      ¥    −             −    +    ¤          (3)
                                               ¥ =    −    ¤                                            (4)
                                                                  −     2
                                                     =   =                                              (5)
                                                             (      +   )   +          +      
               3.3. Spectrum analysis
               Spectrum analysis is the process of analyzing a signal in the frequency domain, which reveals the frequencies
               andtheirassociatedmagnitudesandphasesthatarepresentinthesignal. Thiscanbeusedtoidentifyfrequency
               components within a signal. In this study, Spectrum analysis is used for creating a Bode diagram of a system
               using input and output signals that are measured from the test system.

               The fast Fourier transform algorithm is a widely used method for spectrum analysis that can calculate the
               discrete Fourier transform of a given signal. However, this algorithm is unsuitable for analyzing noise signals
               that are random and stochastic because it does not have well-defined frequencies. To analyze noise signals,
               power spectral analysis is a more suitable method. It can estimate the power of a signal at each frequency. But
               this method is still for analyzing a single signal. A cross-power spectral density, an extension of power spectral
               analysis, can give the result of total noise power spectral density in complex values at each frequency and is
               used to analyze the correlation between two signals.

               The cross-correlation method is used to find the amplitude and frequency relationship between two signals.
               It can be expressed as Equation (6), where    is the expected value. For finite discrete-time signals, it can be
               mathematically expressed as Equation (7), where    is the length of the signals   (  ) and   (  ), and    ranges
               from −(   − 1) to (   − 1).

                                                          (  ) =   [  (  )  (   +   )]
                                                          (  ) =    (  )  (   +   )                     (7)

               The cross-power spectral density is the Fourier transformation of cross-correlation as Equation (8). For finite
               discrete-time signals, it can be mathematically expressed as Equation (9). In this study, the cpsd function in
               MATLAB was used to calculate the cross-power spectral density.

                                                            (  ) = F [        (  )]                     (8)

                                                       (      ) =          (  )   −                     (9)
                                                          =−(  −1)
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