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Page 6 of 31               Songthumjitti et al. Intell Robot 2023;3(3):306-36  I

                                            Table 4. Horizontal axis linear slider specification
                                                    Horizontal axis linear slider
                         Manufacture              NSK
                         Model                    MCH10105H20D
                         Nominal Stroke           1050 mm
                         Ball Screw Lead          20 mm
                         Mass                     33 kg

                                             Table 5. Vertical axis linear slider specification
                                                     Vertical axis linear slider
                         Manufacture              NSK
                         Model                    MCH10100H20K
                         Nominal Stroke           1110 mm
                         Ball Screw Lead          20 mm
                         Mass                     27 kg

                                              Table 6. Laser distance sensor specification
                                                      Laser distance sensor
                         Manufacture              Panasonic
                         Model                    HG-C1030
                         Output Type              NPN output
                         Measurement Center Distance  30 mm
                         Measurement Range        ±5 mm

                                              Table 7. Acceleration sensor specification
                                                      Acceleration sensor
                         Manufacture              Kionix
                         Model                    KXR94-2050
                         Measurement Range        ±2G
                         Sensitivity              660mV/G
                         Frequency Range          800Hz (-3dB)

               specification of the horizontal axis linear slider is shown in Table 4, and the specification of the vertical axis
               linear slider is shown in Table 5.

               3.1.4. Laser distance sensor
               For spectrum analysis, structure displacement must be measured. Therefore, a laser distance sensor is placed
               in the system to be used to measure structure displacement that results from oscillation, and its specifications
               can be found in Table 6.

               3.1.5. Acceleration sensor
               In subsequent sections, we use the acceleration of the structure of the robot as feedback to the control system,
               so an acceleration sensor is attached to the frame. Its specifications are listed in Table 7.

               3.2. Modeling
               3.2.1. Actuator system transfer function
               Theactuatorsystemisrequiredtomovetherobottothedesiredcoordinate. Itconsistsofservopacks,ACservo
               motors, and linear sliders, where each component has its own characteristics. In this study, we will represent
               the characteristic of all these components with one transfer function,      , which consists of a second-order
               low-pass filter and a time delay, which come from an experiment and will be further explained in the section
               on spectrum analysis. To facilitate stability analysis, the time delay from the transfer function Equation (2) is
               approximated using the Pade approximation method.
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