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Page 12 of 31              Songthumjitti et al. Intell Robot 2023;3(3):306-36  I

                                              Figure 12. Experiment setup block diagram.

                                                           2                                           (11)
                                                       =    ℎ    +    ℎ    +    ℎ

               Due to the insufficient stiffness of the robot, structure displacement that is created by robot movement has
               to be considered, so the absolute end-effector position,   , will consist of a summation of the relative actuator
               displacement,      , and the absolute structure displacement,       . Therefore, the position-control robot transfer
               function,      , consists of the linear actuator system transfer function,      , and the structure transfer function,

               As a result, we can express the overall transfer function,          , from the intended position of the operator,      ,
               to the end-effector position,   , with Equation (12).

                                                                   (      + 1)
                                                           =                                           (12)
                                                                  (      + 1) + 1

               4.2. Stability margin
               Phase margin is a method used to check the stability of the feedback system. It measures how much phase shift
               can be applied before the system becomes unstable. To check the stability of a feedback system, we have to
               determine the open loop transfer function of the system and then find the gain crossover frequency, which is
               thepointwherethegainisunity. Ifthephaseatthatpointisgreaterthan −180 , thesystemisconsideredstable,
               and more phase margin means a more stable system. The system transfer function is expressed as Equation
               (12), and the phase margin can be calculated from the open-loop transfer function           (      + 1).

               When the system is in contact with a human operator, it might become unstable. The harder the operator grabs
               the end-effector, the more the system will oscillate, and the impedance of the operator,   , is greatly affected
               by grip strength. Therefore, in stability analysis, the stiffness of the impedance of the operator,    ℎ, is a major
               component to be considered for stability.

               Inthissection, wesimulatedsystemstabilitywithchangesin    and    intheadmittancemodeltoseehowthey
               affectedoverallsystemstability. Thehumanimpedanceconstantsare    ℎ = 1 kgand    ℎ = 17 Ns/m,respectively,
               and    ℎ varies between 1 − 10000 N/m, based on our previous study [18,19] . The simulation in Figures 13-15 is
               performed by fixing the mass parameter in the admittance model,   , and varying the damping coefficient in
               the admittance model,   , from 0.1 − 1000 Ns/m. Figures 16-18, on the other hand, will be simulated by fixing
               the damping coefficient constant and varying the mass parameter from 0.1 − 1000 kg.
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