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Stambo et al.                                                                                                                                                           LC Bead embolization of hepatic neoplasms

           However, the use of irinotecan for colon metastasis   and design, literature research, clinical  studies, and
           was chosen based on the oncologic data at that time.   manuscript preparation: G.S. Stambo
           The literature described  irinotecan as very effective   Statistical analysis: D. Cragun
           to  colon metastasis  when given intravenously.    Experimental  studies/data analysis, and manuscript
           Therefore, the investigators used this drug initially on   editing: G.S. Stambo, D. Cragun
           all colorectal metastasis patients. Unfortunately, during
           the early part of the study, this drug was found to be   Financial support and sponsorship
           ineffective  on  the  first  12  colon  metastasis  patients   None.
           with a poor response given intra-arterially. From that
           point on, doxorubicin was used exclusively during the   Conflicts of interest
           remaining part of the study. The reason to switch from   There are no conflicts of interest.
           irinotecan to doxorubicin was based solely on its poor
           response in the first 12 patients. Once switched, there   Patient consent
           were statistically improved results using doxorubicin
           compared to irinotecan on colon metastasis patients.   Each patient was informed of the study and gave their
           Secondly,  the authors used FDG  PET-CT for their   consent.
           follow up imaging. MRI  with  dedicated liver agents
           have become readily available  and considered      Ethics approval
           sufficiently  sensitive  for  routine  use  for  detection  of   This was a retrospective study and did not require
           HCC  which  may  not  have  been  identified  on  follow-  Institutional Review Board approval.
           up FDG PET-CT. Lastly, this study consisted of a very
           small sample size at a single institution and may not be   REFERENCES
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