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Stambo et al.                                                                                                                                                           LC Bead embolization of hepatic neoplasms

           standard of care for colorectal liver metastasis. TACE   whether  this case series  could  provide  insight  into
           has been an effective palliative therapy for malignant   whether  treatment methods are associated  with
           tumors of the liver for many years. [4-8]  TACE  has   treatment response.
           shown improved patient survival  rates compared  to
           conservative treatment for various types of malignant   METHODS
           liver tumors. [6-9]  The palliative nature of transcatheter
           embolizations  has shown  improved  patient  survival   Computed tomography positron emission tomography
           and quality of life as compared to placebo and systemic   (CT-PET)  and/or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
           based chemotherapy. [10]   TACE is a useful palliative   studies  were  reviewed  prior  to all  procedures  to
           procedure with  its  ability to  simultaneously  infuse   guide endovascular treatment [Figure 1]. Four board
           concentrated dose of chemotherapeutic drug combined   certified  interventional  radiologists  reviewed  all  pre
           with embolization  particles. [5-8]  This  combination   procedure imaging for each patient and all 4 actually
           produces elevated local chemotherapeutic drug levels   performed the  LC Bead chemoembolizations.  This
           along  with vascular  occlusion  of the feeding  vessels   was a retrospective study and no ethical approval was
           killing the tumor resulting in reduced systemic toxicity   obtained for this study. Informed consent was obtained
           without causing collateral damage to the surrounding   prior to all interventional procedures. All patients with
           liver parenchyma.                                  metastatic colorectal metastases or HCC over a period
                                                              of 1 year were included in this study. All of the colorectal
           LC Bead drug eluting beads [Biocompatibles UK Ltd,   metastasis patients were treated with systemic
           Farnham  (a BTG group  company)]  are approved  by   chemotherapy prior to  endovascular intervention.
           the Food and Drug  Administration for locoregional   All patients  were  treated with drug  eluting  beads
           embolization.  Like conventional  TACE, drug eluting   during the study. The time frame between completing
           beads are available for  precision transarterial   chemotherapy and initiating the endovascular treatment
           chemoembolization. [11-13]  However, they are  different   was 3-6 months. Subsequently, a follow-up  CT-PET
           in the way they deliver  the drug to the tumor.  The   scan demonstrated progressive  liver metastasis not
           beads are compressible sulphonate modified polyvinal   improved  on intravenous  chemotherapy.  As for the
           alcohol hydrogel  microspheres. [14]  The  drug-eluting   HCC patients, once deemed unresectable, they were
           beads  can  be loaded  with  some positively-charged   included in this study. The decision to treat was based
           chemotherapeutic  agents such as doxorubicin       on a multidisciplinary approach including the patient’s
           hydrochroride  or irinotecan  hydrochloride.  There is   oncologist, surgical oncologist and interventional
           an ion exchange mechanism which creates the active   radiologist.  The  treatment  pathway  was  defined  by
           attraction of the drug to the beads. Just like  TACE,   tumor type and then the appropriate chemotherapeutic
           the beads are delivered  to  their exact location with   agent to be used on that type of liver neoplasm. The
           fluoroscopic  guided  transarterial  catheters  but  this   treatment pathway included  pre-procedural  imaging,
           time the drug is loaded into the beads. [5,15]  The mixture   performing the intra-arterial embolization and then the
           of beads with doxorubicin or irinotecan can be easily   follow-up CT-PET  imaging for  evaluation of  changes
                                                              in liver mass. Data were collected and patients were
           loaded  in the pharmacy 2 h prior to delivering  them
           to the patient.  The 2 h of soaking  allows  the drug                     A
           and beads to interact effectively according  to the
           manufacturer. [16]   The controlled release of the drug
           from the drug eluting  beads (DEB) demonstrates
           very little or no post embolization  syndrome as
           compared to conventional TACE procedures. The LC
           beads maintain a significantly high intratumoral drug
           concentration  in the tumor bed for a 2-week period.   R                                         L
           This controlled release process may be more effective
           than conventional TACE. Systemic toxicity is reduced
           due to a combination  of increase  late effects and
           precise arterial deposition of the beads into the tumor
           as compared to conventional TACE.

           LC Bead embolization  can utilize both doxorubicin                        P
           and irinotecan eluting beads for primary hepatomas,
           colorectal metastasis and a variety of  other liver   Figure 1: Contrast enhanced computed tomography image of the
                                                              abdomen demonstrates a large enhancing tumor right hepatic lobe
           metastases. The purpose of this study is to determine   consistent with biopsy proven hepatocellular carcinoma
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