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Stambo et al.                                                                                                                                                           LC Bead embolization of hepatic neoplasms

           to endovascular treatment did poorly. The irinotecan   Many times peripheral  located liver masses that
           treated colorectal metastasis patients had poor    appear successfully embolized  can return with
           response rate at 3 months with no reduction in tumor   increasing  size and  persistent tumor enhancement
           size or tumor enhancement compared to pre-procedural   on follow-up imaging. Repeat angiograms can
           images.  The 3 months interval time frame was long   demonstrate peripheral  tumor  vascular recruitment
           enough to account for the post treatment inflammation   from extrahepatic collateral suppliers  prohibiting
           and edema  caused  by chemoembolization  on the    effective control of the tumor.  These angiographic
           hepatic tumors.  Doxorubicin  and irinotecan were   findings  were  more  commonly  seen  in  advanced
           selected due to the chemotherapy data at that time.  stages of metastatic liver  disease.  Those collateral
                                                              arterial feeders should be separately embolized at that
           Fiorentini  et al. [17]  described an 80% response  rate   time.  Fortunately,  a  complete vascular assessment
           following  drug eluting  bead embolization  using   during the initial selective angiography eliminated the
           irinotecan. However,  they used twice the dose of   need for repeat studies attempting to search for new
           inrinotecan  (100 mg/mL) compared to this study.   collaterals each time.
           Furthermore, their patients were treated once every 3
           weeks and subsequently demonstrated improvement    There  was no intraprocedural  discomfort  described
           in contrast enhancement  on all responding  patients.   by the patients during the doxorubicin  eluted bead
           In comparison, this article used the standard dosage   embolization. However, we found 10/12 (83%) of the
           which may not have been concentrated enough and/   irinotecan patients described immediate right upper
           or the treatment time may not have been long enough   quadrant  pain during  intraprocedureal  bead delivery.
           for the embolization  to obtain this type of response.   This phenomenon was rapid in onset, resolved quickly
           Also in their study, the embolization treatments were   and did not recur following the procedure. This clinical
           stopped if findings of progressive disease were noted   response does not occur with doxorubicin eluted bead
           and subsequently those patients were excluded from   placement. If needed, patients were given intravenous
           the study. On the other hand, our study included all the   analgesia  intra-procedurally  but no premedication
           patients treated with one session of irinotecan  bead   protocol was developed during this study. It may relate
           embolization and none were excluded from the study   to the faster elution of the irinotecan (approximately 4
           despite the results.                               days) from the beads as compared to doxorubicin. [21]
                                                              Also, the amount of liver parenchyma being treated
           Along with chemoembolization, combination therapies   during the embolization frequently is more extensive
           including radiofrequency ablation, microwave ablation   due to the nature of colonic metastasis.
           and  cryoablation can be used  in conjunction  with
           synergistic effects. [18]  The idea of combination therapies   The study investigators routinely embolized  the
           is to both embolize the larger tumors decreasing the   gastroduodenal artery (GDA) to prevent the embolics
           size with the DEB and then percutaneously  ablate   from  refluxing  into  the  arterial  pathways  leading  into
           the remaining  tumor.  The DEB treatment prior  to   the duodenum and pancreas. In this study, there was
           percutaneous ablation devascularizes  the  surface of   no non target duodenal,  gallbladder  or pancreatic
           the tumor which reduces the heat-sink making ablation   embolization  complications.  At  this institution, GDA
           more effective. Percutaneous  ablation  of the center   embolization  is performed  in every case because
           of the tumor mass results in a sub lethal temperature   of that small chance of complications  related to
           experienced  at the periphery  of the tumor masses   embolization of non target vascularity. We understand
           allowing  these cells to be less resistant to the high   that  gastroduodenal artery embolization  is not the
           concentration of drug. [18]                        standard of practice in many centers despite the use
                                                              of microcatheters for delivery of the embolic material.
           The major  disadvantage  of conventional  TACE     However, we believe that preserving the gallbladder,
           procedures   is   the  rapid  washout    of  the   duodenum and pancreas from preventable non target
           chemotherapeutic  out of the tumor into the        embolization  is crucial.  GDA embolization  is a quick
           systemic circulation.  On the other hand, LC Bead   and technically easy procedure to perform prior to LC
           chemoembolization  has 2  major advantages over    Bead chemoembolization not adding much procedure
           conventional  TACE.  First,  the  drug is continuously   time to the case.
           released over a 10-12 days window providing a higher
           overall intratumoral  drug dose over a longer  time. [14]    The study is a retrospective  investigation  of this
           Secondly,  with the  continuous  slow release of  drug,   institution’s LC Bead chemoembolization practice and
           there is less systemic toxicity and therefore less post   there are several study limitations. First, doxorubicin
           embolization syndrome. [10,19,20]                  was the only chemotherapeutic agent used on HCC.
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