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Stambo et al.                                                                                                                                                           LC Bead embolization of hepatic neoplasms

           Table 1: Summary of liver neoplasms and treatment type (n = 48)
                                                                 Treatment type, n (%)
            Type of neoplasm          Number of patients                                      Number deceased
                                                           Doxorubicin         Irinotecan
            Colorectal metastases           25                13 (52)           12 (48)             1
            Primary hepatoma (HCC)          13               13 (100)             0                 1
            Breast metastases                3                3 (100)             0
            Lung metastases                  1                1 (100)             0
            Melanoma metastases              1                1 (100)             0
            Sarcoma metastases               1                1 (100)             0
            Pancreatic metastases            1                1 (100)             0
            Neuroendocrine metastases        1                1 (100)             0
            Adrenal metastases               1                1 (100)             0
            Pediatric hepatoblastoma         1                1 (100)             0                 1
           HCC: hepatocellular carcinoma
           Table 2: Treatment responses for patients according to tumor and treatment types
           Tumor and treatment types       Complete response  Partial response   Worsened       No follow-up
           Hepatocellular carcinoma
              Doxorubicin (n = 13)                 8               1                2*               2
           Colon metastases
              Doxorubicin (n = 13)                 6               4                1                2
              Irinotecan (n = 12)                  0               1               10*               1
           *1 patient died

           Table 3: Two-by-two contingency table used to test the   whom follow-up data were available,  those 11 who
           hypothesis that among those with colon metastases,   were treated with doxorubicin were significantly more
           those treated with irinotecan had worse outcomes than   likely  to demonstrate complete  or partial  response
           those treated with doxorubicin
                                                              compared to the 11 in the irinotecan treated group (P
                                    Complete or               < 0.001) [Table 3].
                                  partial response  Worsened
           Doxorubicin treated (n = 11)  10          1
           Irinotecan treated (n = 11)  1            10       DISCUSSION
           RESULTS                                            Our study compared how HCC and colorectal
                                                              metastases responded to catheter directed LC Bead
           A  total of  48 patients with unresectable  malignant   emobolization  with irinotecan and doxorubicin.  The
           neoplasms of the liver were treated in a 1-year period.   results were compelling  for  a small sample size. Of
           There were 28 men (age ranging 34-88 years, with a   the 13 colon cancer study patients who were treated
           mean age of 60.5 years) and 20 women (age ranging   with doxorubicin, 46.2% had a complete response and
           34-92  years, with a mean  age of 66.2 years). Six   4/13 (30.8%) had stable disease. The HCC patients
           patients were lost to follow-up at time of this article. The   on  the  other  hand  improved  significantly  with  81%
           series includes HCC and colon metastasis [Figure 1].   demonstrating complete or partial response and 91%
           All of the HCC tumors were hyper-vascular  on      of them alive at 24 months after treatment.
           angiography  and became hypo-vascular  on follow
           up scans [Figures 2, 3 and 5]. Many of the remaining   Overall, the results of  this study demonstrated that
           tumor types demonstrated hypo-vascular appearance   many patients with unresectable colon metastasis or
           on angiography as compared to HCC. The tumor and   HCC who were treated with doxorubicin drug eluting
           treatment types are outlined in Table 1.           beads demonstrated a complete or partial response. All
                                                              of these patients treated with doxorubicin who showed
           Table  2 shows treatment responses according  to   complete or partial response remained in remission
           tumor and treatment types. Nine  of the 11 (81.8%)   from liver disease for at least 24 months. However,
           doxorubicin treated HCC patients had either complete   those colon metastasis patients treated with irinotecan
           response or partial response. All of the HCC lesions   eluting beads did poorly and the study investigators
           showed reduction in size and tumor enhancement and   stopped using irinotecan  on the remaining  patient
           10/11  (91%) HCC patients were alive at  24 months   cohort. Only 1 patient out of 12 (8.3%) demonstrated
           post treatment [Table 2]. Fisher’s exact test revealed   partial response with irintoecan. Even those patients
           that among the 22 with colorectal metastases for   who responded  to  systemic irinotecan therapy prior
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