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Abdel-Hamid et al.                                                                                                      Antitumor and chemosesitizing efficacy of Kochia indica on human HCC

           INTRODUCTION                                       with proposed molecular formula C H Cl O ,
                                                              molecular  weight  447  and  chemical  structure,
           Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common   1-phenyl  2,3,4,5,6  hexachloro  2,3,4,5  tetra  hydroxy
           primary liver malignancy and the sixth most common   heptane.
           cancer worldwide.  Also, It is an aggressive malignancy
           with a poor prognosis and is currently the second most   Previous investigators showed that Kochia indica has
           common cause of cancer-related mortality.   It  was   a great medicinal potency. It is used as a heart tonic
           found that about 80% of the estimated new cases    agent  and it has a strong tumoricidal properties.
           of HCC occurred in less developed  regions and its   Additionally, resinous alkaloid, isolated from alcoholic
           incidence is increasing worldwide in more developed   extract of the plant showed nicotinic  action on
           countries  including  Egypt because of predominant   autonomic  ganglia  and  neuromuscular  junctions  of
           diseases such as  hepatitis C virus (HCV) and      voluntary  muscles.  Fruits  and  leaves  of  a  related
           schistosomiasis. [4]                               species, Kochiascoparia is used as cardiac tonic, anti-
                                                              dermatitis and diuretic agent. [10]
           It was recognized that the resistance to chemotherapy,
           5-fluorouracil  (5-FU),  is  a  major  obstacle  in  the   Also, ether extract of aerial parts of Kochia contains
           treatment of HCC,  necessitating  the discovery  of   n-alkanes,  free alcohols  and amixture  of sterols,
           additional agents.  Thus, the use of natural products   mainly sitosterol (70.9%). Ether plant extract exhibited
           in this respect is extensively under investigation.    antibacterial activity which is attributed to hydrocarbons
           One  of  these  products is  Kochia indica,  family   and sterols present in its parts.
           chenopodiaceae [Figure 1]. It was originally introduced
           as an ornamental plant in some gardens. In the present   As  known,  one  of  the  excellent  chemotherapeutic
           time, it has spread and is now presented in both crop   drugs  is  5-FU.  Despite  the  excellent  therapeutic
           and no crop areas. [7]                             effects  of  5-FU,  its  cytotoxicity  and  genotoxicity
                                                              in normal cells remain a major health problem. [11]
           The elementary analysis of Kochia indica extract was   Therefore, thinking about herbal use is gradually
           previously carried out by Haroun  using ultraviolet   growing worldwide  to reduce the hepatotoxicity
           (UV)  spectroscopy  and  infrared  spectroscopy,  gas   induced by 5-FU treatment. The present work was
           chromatography  and  mass  spectrophotometery.  As   undertaken to test whether Kochia indica extract can
           shown in Figure 2, the chemical analysis of Kochia   exhibit antitumor effect by itself and can improve the
           indica extract detects an active phenolic compound   antitumor efficacy of 5-FU treatment by reducing its
                                                              probable side effects.


                                                              Chemicals, cultures and reagents
                                                              The anti-cancer 5-FU obtained as an ampoule (10 mL)
                                                              contains  250  mg  of  fluorouracil  was  stored  below
                                                              30 ºC, protected from light and preserved  in sealed
                                                              containers. It is manufactured by ACDIMA International
                                                              (AiT, S.X. Haipu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.).

                                                              To prepare the standard anticancer treatment regimen
                                                              of 5-FU, it was diluted with Dulbecco’s modified Eagle
           Figure 1: A photograph showing Kochia indica whole plant  medium  (DMEM)  to  desired  concentrations  ranging
                                                              from  10  to  250  μg/mL.  The  final  concentration  of
                                                              dimethyl  sulfoxide  (DMSO)  in  each  cell  culture  did
                                                              not exceed 1% v/v, to keep the cytotoxicity of DMSO
                                                              at  less  than  10%.  However,  fluorouracil  (25  mg/mL)
                                                              stock solution was 100 fold diluted (10 mL + 990 mL
                                                              medium) then it  was mixed with the  Kochia indica
                                                              extract in various ratios, and each combination  ratio
                                                              was 2 fold serially diluted. The concentration of each
                                                              agent in the combination was determined according to
           Figure 2: Phenolic active compound of Kochia indica plant extract [8]  the following equation:
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