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Abdel-Hamid et al.                                                                                                      Antitumor and chemosesitizing efficacy of Kochia indica on human HCC

           N.V [half maximal inhibitory  concentration  (IC ) for   125 g for 5-7 min. The cell pellet was suspended again
           agent separately] = N .V (in combination)          in the medium and dispense into a 25 cm  culture
           N=  IC   for  the  agent,  V  =  volume  of  the  agent   flask. The culture was incubated at 37 °C in a 5% CO 2
           separately = 1                                     incubator and thereafter, was ready for sub culturing
           N  = the concentration of the agent in the combination,   into working groups.
           V = the volume of the agent in the combination
                                                              Experimental cell groups
           Cell  culture  media,  including  DMEM  and  fetal   HepG  cells were divided into 4 groups described as
           bovine  serum  (FBS)  were  purchased  from  GIBCO ®   follow: (1) first group contained HepG  cells cultured
           (Invitrogen). Penicillin  and streptomycin, the culture   in a media and left without any treatments to serve as
           antibiotics, were purchased  from  (Aldrich-Sigma   a negative control; (2) second group contained HepG
           Company, CA, USA). DMSO, fluorescence dye, Sodium   cells cultured in a media treated with the following
           bicarbonate (NaHCO ), neutral red, 4-(4’-nitrobenzyl)   doses (15.625, 31.2, 62.5, 125, 250 µg/mL) of 5-FU
           pyridine  (NBP)  and  5-FU  were  also  purchased  from   as a standard chemotherapy for HCC and left to serve
           Sigma-Aldrich. All chemicals and reagents used in the   as a positive control; (3) third group contained HepG
           experiments are of highly purified grades.         cells cultured in a media and treated with the following
                                                              doses (12.5, 25, 50, 100, 200 µg/mL) concentrations
           Hepatoma cell line                                 of Kochia indica ethanol extract alone and left as an
           Hepatoma cell line (HepG ) was obtained from Holding   experimental group; (4) fourth group contained HepG
           Company  for  Biological  and  Vaccine  Production,   cells cultured in a media treated with a combination of
           Cairo, Egypt. HepG  was maintained in the cell culture   5-FU and Kochia indica extract in different ratios (1:1,
           laboratory, Medical Research Institute, Smouha, Alex,   2:1, 1:2, 1:9) and left as an experimental group.
           Egypt.  HepG   is  a perpetual cell line consisting of
           human liver carcinoma  cells, derived  from the liver   Cell viability determination
           tissue of a 15-year-old  Caucasian male patient who   The  HepG  culture was sub-cultured at 37 °C
           had a well-differentiated HCC.                     under  a  humidified  environment  containing  5%
                                                              CO incubator.  Cytotoxic  effect  of  the  tested  agents
           Natural agents                                     on  tumor  cells  was  tested  by  the  neutral  red  (NR)
           Kochia  indica leaf plant was collected  nearby  Tanta   method described by Fotakis and Timbrell. [14]  In brief,
           city,  Al-Gharbiya  Governorate,  Egypt.  The  plant   tumor  cells  were  seeded  in  96-well  plates  (100  μL/
           was authenticated  visually  in taxonomy laboratory   well at a density of 3 × 10  cells/mL) and treated with
           at  Botany  Department,  Faculty  of  Science,  Tanta   various concentrations of the used agents for 24 h.
           University,  Egypt. The  collected  plants  were  washed   Then,  cells  were  washed  twice  with  1×  phosphate
           under running tap water and blotted where they were   buffer saline and the supernatant was discarded.
           cut into  small  pieces  and  kept for drying  in  oven  at   A  total  of  100  μL  of  NR  solutions  (50  μg/mL)
           temperature 40 ±  2 ºC for 5 days.  The dried plant   was added to each well and incubated at 37 °C for
           material was ground into powder and stored in air tight   another  hour.  The  NR  dye  was  then  dissolved  in
           container as described by Prayong et al. [12]  The crude   100  μL  of  0.33%  HCl. Absorbance  of  NR  dye  was
           ethanolic extracts were dissolved in DMSO at 20 mg/mL   detected  by  a  dual-wavelength  UV  spectrometer
           as stock solutions which were then diluted with DMEM   (Anthos 2010; Biochrom, UK) at 450 nm wavelenth.
           to desired working concentrations ranging from 10 to   The cytotoxicity was determined against untreated
           250 μg/mL. The final concentration of DMSO in each   cells by the following equation of Machana et al.: [15]
           sample did not exceed 1% v/v, to keep the cytotoxicity   cytotoxicity  (%)  =  [100  ×  (absorbance  of  untreated
           of DMSO at less than 10%.                          group - absorbance of treated group)]/absorbance of
                                                              untreated group. Therefore, the cell viability (%) = 100
           Preparation of HepG  culture media                 - cytotoxicity.
           The HepG  culture media was prepared according to
           Van der Bliek et al. [13]  Briefly, the vial containing HepG    To calculate the IC   values  of the agents under
           was placed in a 37 °C water bath until the contents were   investigation,  cytotoxicity (%) was plotted against
           thawed and decontaminated immediately by dipping in   agent’s working concentrations [14]  to give linear equation
           or spraying with 70% ethanol. The vial contents were   from which IC  was calculated. Also, the quantitative
           transferred to a centrifuge tube containing 9.0 mL of   efficacy  of  the  combination  exposure  between  5-FU
           absolute DMEM. To prepare DMEM growth medium,      and  Kochia indica extract was determined as  a
           FBS  was  added  to  reach  10%  final  concentration.   combination  index (CI)  according to  the following
           Prepared cell culture media were spin at approximately   equation: [16]  CI = (5-FU) in combination/(5-FU) alone +
                           Hepatoma Research ¦ Volume 3 ¦ July 21, 2017                                   151
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