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Cheng et al. Hepatoma Res 2017;3:156-69                              Hepatoma Research
           DOI: 10.20517/2394-5079.2017.27
            Topic: Advances in the diagnosis and treatment of liver fibrosis                    Open Access

           Advances in the diagnosis and treatment of

           liver fibrosis

           Jenny Yeuk-Ki Cheng , Grace Lai-Hung Wong 1,2,3
           1 Institute of Digestive Disease, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong 999077, China.
           2 Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, 9/F Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, Hong Kong 999077, China.
           3 State Key Laboratory of Digestive Disease, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong 999077, China.

           Correspondence to: Dr. Grace Lai-Hung Wong, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, 9/F Prince of Wales Hospital, 30-32 Ngan Shing Street,
           Shatin, Hong Kong 999077, China. E-mail:
           How to cite this article: Cheng JYK, Wong GLH. Advances in the diagnosis and treatment of liver fibrosis. Hepatoma Res 2017;3:156-69.

            Article history:              Liver fibrosis is the center of diagnosis and management of essentially all chronic liver diseases.
            Received: 25-06-2017          While liver biopsy examination still has a role in diagnosis and drug development, it is replaced
            Accepted: 26-07-2017          by non-invasive assessments of liver biopsy in majority of the clinical scenarios. Radiological
            Published: 08-08-2017         approaches, namely transient elastography, acoustic radiation force impulse imaging, shear
                                          wave elastography, magnetic resonance elastography provide accurate diagnosis of advanced
            Key words:                    fibrosis and cirrhosis. Serum test formulae based on common laboratory parameters or more
            Chronic hepatitis B,          specialized parameters including those commercially available panels FibroTest , FibroMeter
            chronic hepatitis C,          and Enhanced Liver Fibrosis are also available. Combining different modalities may further
            fatty liver,                  improve the accuracy. The role of all these non-invasive assessments has been further expanded
            transient elastography        from diagnostic to prognostic, e.g. risk prediction of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) by LSM-
                                          HCC score. Treatment of liver fibrosis can be achieved by controlling the underlying diseases,
                                          with chronic viral hepatitis as the most established disease model. Currently there are multiple
                                          clinical trials evaluating different treatment options to improve fibrosis in patients with non-
                                          alcoholic fatty liver disease. Specific anti-fibrotic treatment targets e.g. direct downregulation
                                          of  hepatic  stellate  cell,  collagen  synthesis  inhibitors  and  transforming  growth  factor-β
                                          antagonists have been tested in laboratory and pending further studies in clinical settings.

           INTRODUCTION                                       Apart  from  its  relationship  with  HCC,  liver  fibrosis
                                                              is also an important treatment indication  in various
           Liver fibrosis is the formation of scar tissue in response   chronic liver diseases. Different international treatment
           to parenchymal injury secondary to chronic liver disease,   guidelines mentioned that the severity of liver fibrosis
           e.g. chronic hepatitis B and C, non-alcoholic fatty liver   should be considered, regardless of the level of ALT,
           disease (NAFLD) or alcoholism. It distorts the normal   for  starting antiviral treatment  for  chronic hepatitis
           liver parenchyma.   The continuous and progressive   B (CHB). [3,4]   There are solid evidence  supporting
           replacement of hepatocytes by extracellular matrix   the  fact  that  liver  fibrosis  is  potentially  reversible. [5]
           and  fibrous  tissue  leads  to  liver  cirrhosis,  which  is  a   Therefore, it is important to diagnose and assess the
           key risk factor for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).    severity of liver fibrosis in order to provide appropriate
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