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Cheng et al.                                                                                                                                                                                             Advances in liver fibrosis

           Table 1: Serum test formulae for liver fibrosis
           Parameters or index  Formula
           APRI               AST (ULN) × 100 / platelet (10 /L)
           Forns index        7.811 - 3.131 × ln(platelet count) + 0.781 × ln(GGT) + 3.467 × ln(age) - 0.014 × (cholesterol)
           FIB-4              Age (years) × AST [U/l] / (platelets [10 /L] × (ALT [U/L]) )
           Fibro index        1.738 - 0.064 × platelet [10 /L]) + 0.005 × AST [IU/L] + 0.463 × gamma globulin [g/dL]
           Hui index          exp(3.148 + 0.167 × BMI + 0.088 × bilirubin [µmol/L] - 0.151 × albumin [g/L] - 0.019 × platelet [10 /L]) / (1 +
                              exp(3.148 + 0.167 × BMI + 0.088 × bilirubin [µmol/L] - 0.151 × albumin [g/L] - 0.019 × platelet [10 /L]))
           NFS                -1.675 + 0.037 × age (years) + 0.094 × BMI (kg/m ) + 1.13 × impaired fasting glycaemia or diabetes (yes = 1, no
                              = 0) + 0.99 × AST/ALT ratio - 0.013 × platelet (× 10 /L) - 0.66 × albumin (g/dL)
           BAAT score         BMI (≥ 28 = 1, < 28 = 0) + age at liver biopsy (≥ 50 years = 1, < 50 = 0) + ALT (≥ 2 × (ULN) = 1, < 2 × ULN = 0)
                              + serum triglycerides (≥ 1.7 mmol/L = 1, < 1.7 = 0)
           ALT: alanine aminotransferase; APRI: aspartate aminotransferase to platelet ratio index; AST: aspartate aminotransferase; BAAT: BMI,
           age, ALT, triglycerides; BMI: body mass index; FIB-4: fibrosis-4; GGT: gamma-glutamyl transferase; NFS: non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
           (NAFLD) fibrosis score; ULN: upper limit of normal
           Table 2: Different non-invasive approach
           Non-invasive tests Features               Advantages                    Disadvantages
           Transient       Ultrasound-based liver stiffness   Useful across different liver disease entity Less reliable in obese patients
           elastography    measurement by shear wave   Special probes designed for different body  Less reliable in severe acute
                           velocity by a specific probe  built                     exacerbation of hepatitis
                                                     Measure liver fat at the same time with   Less reliable in post-treatment
                                                     CAP                           fibrosis stages in CHB or CHC
                                                     Can identify no or minimal fibrosis  patients
           Acoustic radiation   Ultrasound-based wave   No additional apparatus except ultrasound  Narrow range of measurement
           force impulse   propagation speed measurement  machine                  Difficult to define a cut-off
           imaging         by conventional probe     Can reflect disease progression  More experienced operators need
                                                     Real-time results
                                                     Less technical difficulties
                                                     Accurate in overweight or obese patients
           Shear wave      Ultrasound measurement of shear  No additional apparatus except ultrasound  Limited studies on its clinical
           elastography    wave velocity             machine                       application
                                                     Elasticity can be reflected by numbers or
                                                     Sensitive for early-stage fibrosis
                                                     Results can be expressed into kPa or m/s
           Magnetic resonance  Phase contrast imaging depending  Less operator-dependent and less   High cost
           elastography    on mechanical wave propagation  technical failure       Limited availability in some countries/
                                                     Limited effect by obesity or ascites  regions
                                                     Can assess complications      More time-consuming
                                                     Sensitive for early-stage fibrosis  Not applicable on patients with iron
                                                     Reproducible results          overload or hemochromatosis
                                                                                   Limited studies on its clinical
           Serum test formulae
           Common laboratory  Refer to Table 1       Results from routine liver function test,   Cannot be used for all chronic liver
           parameters                                convenient to perform         diseases
                                                     No inter-observer variations
           FibroTest       Consists of GGT, total bilirubin, α-2 Useful in different chronic liver disease  Suboptimal for early stage fibrosis
                           macroglobulin, apolipoprotein A1,  Reliable
                           and haptoglobin           Applicable
                                                     Accurate in overweight or obese patients
           FibroMeter      First 2 generations: consists of   With high fibrosis classification accuracy  High cost
                           platelets, prothrombin index, AST,  Good predictive value for severe fibrosis in
                           α-2 macroglobulin, hyaluronate,   different liver disease entities
                           urea and age
                           3rd generation (3G): hyaluronate
                           does not take into account
           Enhanced liver   Consists of 3 direct blood markers:  Good prognostic factor for clinical   Not sensitive for early stages of
           fibrosis        procollagen III amino terminal   outcomes in patients with chronic liver   fibrosis
                           peptide, hyaluronic acid and tissue  diseases           Age, low CD4+ T-cell count and
                           inhibitor of metalloproteinase I  Similar results by using fresh blood or   other factors can affect ELF results
                                                     cryopreserved blood
                                                     Sensitive for advanced fibrosis or cirrhosis
           AST: aspartate aminotransferase; CAP: controlled attenuation parameter; CHB: chronic hepatitis B; CHC: chronic hepatitis C; ELF:
           enhanced liver fibrosis
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