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Cheng et al.                                                                                                                                                                                             Advances in liver fibrosis

           (3G), which does not take hyaluronate  into account.   biochemical  methods to  increase the accuracy in
           Therefore, the cost has been reduced but with similar   determining  the  degree  of  fibrosis.  Both  types  of
           effectiveness. [64]   FibroMeter ,  both 2G  and 3G,  has   methods can play a supplementary role to each other.
           been shown with high fibrosis classification accuracy. [65]    For example, the performance of ELF improves with
           Besides, it appears to have a good predictive value   the assistance of transient elastography. [80]  With the
           towards  the  occurrence  of  severe  fibrosis  in  those   use of ELF-LSM algorithm, a significant proportion of
           with NAFLD [66]  and chronic hepatitis B  or C. [67]   Even   patients can avoid liver biopsy. [69]   Another  example
           though the hyaluronate-free FibroMeter  3G is in use   is  Hui Index and transient elastography.  Since LSM
           nowadays, the cost is still high compared to common   result is confounded  in patients with elevated  ALT,
           parameters (e.g. FIB-4 or NFS). [68]               Hui index, a score independent of ALT level, is a good
                                                              choice for supplementation of transient elastography.
           Enhanced liver fibrosis                            Studies have shown that  the combinations  can help
           Enhanced  liver  fibrosis  (ELF)  score  is  an  algorithm   predict hepatic event-free survival in chronic hepatitis
           consists of 3 direct markers in blood, namely procollagen   B patients. [81]  Another combination for assessment of
           III  amino  terminal peptide (PIIINP),  hyaluronic acid   liver fibrosis in CHB patients is Forns index (another
           and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase I (TIMP-I). [69]   ALT-free index)-LSM  algorithm. [82]  FibroMeter  and
           ELF can be a good prognostic  factor for the clinical   transient elastography  combined together can help
           outcomes of patients with chronic liver disease. The   improve diagnostic accuracy and avoid liver biopsy in
           increase in one point in ELF can lead to doubling of   CHC patients. [83]  For the diagnosis of cirrhosis in CHC
           the  risk  of  clinical outcomes  in patients, especially   patients, using the algorithm FibroTest  and transient
           liver-related clinical outcomes. [70]  ELF results are even   elastography improves the performance. However, this
           similar when using fresh blood or cryopreserved blood.   combination does not show extra benefit for diagnosis
           Therefore, it has a high predictive value for identifying   of  advanced  fibrosis  compared  to  the  sole  use  of
           patients with risk to develop progressive chronic liver   FibroTest .
                                                                      ® [84]
           disease at an early stage. [71]  It is sensitive in identifying
           advanced fibrosis or cirrhosis, but not for lower fibrosis   Non-invasive tests - from diagnostic to
           stage. [72,73]  Meanwhile, it is noted that different factors   prognostic
           can influence the result of ELF score, with the most   Portal hypertension and related complications
           significant  factor  being  age. [74]  Other factors include   The role of all these non-invasive tests is moving from
           low CD4+  T-cell count,  co-existing extra-hepatic
           fibrosis, etc. [75]  Therefore, the results of ELF should be   diagnostic  to prognostic.  They are useful to predict
           interpreted with particular clinical context.      liver-related complications and hence the  prognosis
                                                              of  patients  with  chronic liver  diseases. For  example,
           Novel serum markers                                a LSM with 13.6 kPa can be a predictive  value  the
           There  are  some  other  novel  serum  fibrosis  markers   presence of portal hypertension. [85]  Combing LSM with
           that raise the attention of the clinicians. Glycosylated   APRI or Fibroindex increases the sensitivities for portal
           Wisteria  floribunda  agglutinin-positive  Mac-2  binding   hypertension predication. [85]   Liver stiffness  with ARFI
           protein (WFA -M2BP) is a marker which is related to   greater than 2.34 m/s indicates  a poor liver reserve
           fibrosis-related glyco-alteration. It can be measured by   function. [86]   Assessment of spleen  loss modulus  by
           a glycan-based immunoassay,  FastLec-Hepa. A cut-  MRE is a good method for recognizing patients with
           off index would be calculated based on the measured   severe  portal  hypertension  or esophageal  varices
           value. [76]  It is found to be useful for detecting early stages   with high bleeding  tendency. [87]   Combing LSM and
           of  fibrosis  in  chronic  hepatitis  B  patients  in  a  recent   spleen stiffness measurement (SSM) may exclude
           study. [77]  Another novel marker, YKL-40 (CHI3L1), is an   the  presence of  large esophageal  varices with high
           emerging  inflammation  biomarker  which  was  shown   sensitivity [88]  and can be adopted in the risk stratification
           to be related to the early stage of liver fibrosis. [78]  In   and variceal screening strategy. [89]
           NAFLD patients, macrophages in liver were showed to
           express YKL-40. This makes YKL-40 be possible as a   Survival
           biomarker as liver fibrosis. [79]  However, further studies   Survival  for chronic  liver  disease  can  be predicted
           need to be conducted to show the effectiveness and   using non-invasive  test.  LSM [90,91]  or FibroTest  has
           impact of both biomarkers on making the diagnosis or   a high prognostic value for patients with chronic viral
           management of patients with liver fibrosis due to any   hepatitis. [92,93]   The usage  of LSM and Hui index  for
           chronic liver diseases.                            predicting hepatic-event free survival in CHB patients
                                                              is shown to be accurate. [81]  FibroMeter  is shown to
           Combination of different approaches                be useful  for assessment of liver  prognosis  in CHC
           It is common  for using  both radiological  and    patients with milder disease. [94]  ELF score can be used
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