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Cheng et al.                                                                                                                                                                                             Advances in liver fibrosis

           metabolic  risk factors is central in the management   this agent announced  it discontinued  testing of
           to improved liver fibrosis in NAFLD patients. A weight   simtuzumab,  as  it  failed  to  show  efficacy  in  Phase
           reduction of  10% or more by aggressive lifestyle   2  trials of  NASH  as  well as  primary sclerosing
           modification appears to resolve fibrosis in most if not   cholangitis. [128]  More recent data also support that the
           all  cases  (at  least  with  mild-moderate  fibrosis). [119,120]   hepatic expression of the apoptosis signal-regulating
           Thiazolidinediones  [peroxisome proliferator-activated   kinase 1 (ASK1) marker, phosphorylated-P38 (p-P38),
           receptor  (PPAR)-γ  agonists]  such  as  pioglitazone   correlates with fibrosis stage in patients with NAFLD. [129]
           and rosiglitazone are insulin sensitizers and were   Therefore, selonsertib,  an oral molecule  that inhibits
           found  to be effective to reduce  fibrosis  in two meta-  ASK1, together  with  simtuzumab, was  found  to be
           analyses; [121,122]  but the finding was not confirmed when   effective to regress liver fibrosis in NASH patients with
           more recent and bigger studies were included in the   stage  2  or  3  fibrosis.  Selonsertib  alone  is  currently
           analysis. [123]  The largest study of pentoxiphylline and   evaluated in NASH patients with advanced fibrosis and
           also a recent study of obeticholic acid both showed a   cirrhosis  (  Identifier  NCT03053050
           significant reduction of fibrosis, [124]  the magnitude was   and NCT03053063) [Table 3].
           not pathologically significant (far less than one fibrosis
           stage by the non-alcoholic  steatohepatitis  (NASH)   Cenicriviroc is a C-C chemokine receptor type 2 and
           Clinical Research Network system. [125]            type 5 (CCR2/CCR5) antagonist, which  interrupts
                                                              the  inflammatory  cascade  in  NASH  that  leads  to
           In terms of pharmacological  agents, there has been   fibrogenesis.  In  animal  models,  the  drug  has  been
           much  interest  in  anti-fibrotic  therapy  in  NAFLD  as   shown  to  have  anti-inflammatory  and  anti-fibrotic
           fibrosis  is  one  of  the  strongest  prognostic  markers   activity. [130,131]  In an ongoing  two-year  Phase  2b trial
           for NAFLD. Lysyl-oxidase like 2 (LOXL2) is involved   with cenicriviroc, it significantly improved liver fibrosis
           in  a  relatively  late  step  in  hepatic  fibrogenesis,  the   for at least one stage at 48 weeks when compared to
           crosslinking  of extracellular  matrix proteins  such as   placebo (20% vs. 10%; P = 0.023). [132]  Galectins are cell
           collagen and  elastin. [126]  Simtuzumab, a humanized   surface glycoproteins that can mediate cell migration,
           monoclonal anti-LOXL2 antibody was once evaluated   matrix  interaction  and  inflammatory  signals.  GR-
           in Phase 2 trials in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)   MD-02 and GM-CT-01, two galectin inhibitors, bind to
           patients  with  significant  fibrosis  and  cirrhosis. [127]    terminal galactose residues in glycoprotein and reduce
           Nonetheless, the pharmaceutical company developed   fibrosis in animal NASH. [133]  GR-MD-02 has favorable

           Table 3: Active clinical trials in the clinical on anti-fibrotic treatments
       Drug          Phase      Disease      Target sample size     Status
           NCT01965418       Fufang Biejia Ruangan  4    Chronic hepatitis B   100             Recruiting
           NCT02241616     Entecavir + Fuzheng Huayu +   4  Chronic hepatitis B  350           Recruiting
                                TCM Granule
           NCT00956098            Oltipraz         2   Chronic hepatitis B or C  81            Completed
           NCT02138253            IDN-6556         2     Chronic hepatitis C   60        Ongoing, finished recruitment
           NCT02744105     Dietary Supplement: Spirulina  N/A  Chronic hepatitis C (in   60  Ongoing, finished recruitment
           NCT02217475           Cenicriviroc      2      NASH fibrosis        200       Ongoing, finished recruitment
           NCT03059446           Cenicriviroc      2      NASH fibrosis        200         Recruiting by invitation
           NCT03028740           Cenicriviroc      3      NASH fibrosis        2000            Recruiting
           NCT02530138            Synbiotic       2/3     NASH fibrosis        42              Recruiting
           NCT02686762           Emricasan         2      NASH fibrosis        330             Recruiting
           NCT02704403           Elafibranor       3      NASH fibrosis        2000            Recruiting
           NCT02548351         Obeticholic Acid    3      NASH fibrosis        2000            Recruiting
           NCT03053050           Selonsertib       3   NASH advanced fibrosis   800            Recruiting
           (STELLAR 3)
           NCT03053063           Selonsertib       3      NASH cirrhosis       800             Recruiting
           (STELLAR 4)
           NCT01899859           GR-MD-02          1      NASH cirrhosis       31              Completed
           NCT02462967           GR-MD-02          2      NASH cirrhosis       156       Ongoing, finished recruitment
           NCT02806011          Livercellgram      2     Alcoholic cirrhosis   50          Recruiting by invitation
           NCT01452308           Simtuzumab       2a          Any              20              Completed
           NASH: non-alcoholic steatohepatitis
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