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Abdel-Hamid et al.                                                                                                      Antitumor and chemosesitizing efficacy of Kochia indica on human HCC

                                                              Table 1: Effect of upgrading concentrations of Kochia
                                                              indica extract on the HepG 2  cultured cells toxicity and
                                                              viability (n = 9)

                                                              Kochia indica  Cytotoxicity  Cell viability   t value P value
                                                              concentration   (%)        (%)
                                                              Control          0         100
                                                              12.5 µg/mL     3.80435   96.19565   3.761    0.0031
                                                              25 µg/mL      16.48551   83.51449   1.771  0.104
                                                              50 µg/mL      36.05072   63.94928   2.555  0.028
                                                              100 µg/mL     46.73913   53.26087   2.503  0.092
                                                              200 µg/mL     72.46377   27.53623   1.317  0.215
                                                              P value         0.0071
                                                              F value         3.765

                           Kochia consentration (µg/mL)       and the other groups treated with Kochia indica was
           Figure 3: The absorbance values of HepG 2  cultured cells exposed   significant  at  P  ≤  0.05.  By  application  of  t-test,  the
           to upgrading concentrations of Kochia indica extract. Data are   difference  between  means  was  significant  after  the
           expressed as means ± SD (n = 9);*P ≤ 0.05 vs. non-treated control
           group                                              exposure of HepG  cells to 12.5 and 25 µg/mL of the
                                                              plant extract while the differences between means of
                                                              other groups were not significant.

                                                              Data  in  Table 1 show the values of both cell toxicity
             Cell viability (%)                               and viability percentages after the exposure of HepG
                                                              cultured cells to all treatments. It was found that
                                                              the cytotoxicity (%) was increased with increasing
                                                              concentration of Kochia indica extract (12.5-200 µg/mL).
                                                              Oppositely, the cell viability (%) of HepG  was gradually
                                                              decreased with increasing concentration of the plant
                                                              extract.  Therefore, as the concentration  of  Kochia
                         Kochia consentration (µg/mL)
           Figure 4: A linear relationship between calculated cell viability of   indica extract increases, the cytotoxicity (%) of HepG
           HepG 2  cultured cells and concentrations of Kochia indica extract.   increases, and vice versa for the % of the cell viability
           This linear relationship resulted in y = -0.3365x + 90.972 and R² =   which decreases with the increase of  the extract
           0.9212, from which value of IC 50  was obtained as 121.75 µg/mL  concentration [Figure 4].

           (K. indica) in combination/(K. indica) alone. If CI < 1, it   Effect of 5-FU concentrations on HepG 2
           means antagonistic effect; CI = 1, it means synergistic   As shown  on  Figure  5, the absorbance  values  were
           effect; and if CI > 1, it means additive effect.   decreased after the exposure of HepG  cultured cells
                                                              exposed to various concentrations of 5-FU compared
           Statistical analysis                               to the control group. ANOVA showed that the difference
           Data were expressed as means ± standard deviation (n   among the absorbance values in the control group and
           ≥ 3). Data of  treated groups were statistically analyzed   the other groups treated with 5-FU was significant at P
           vs.  control group by  one way analysis of  variance   ≤ 0.05. To determine the significance, t-test was applied
           (ANOVA), followed by t-test using Graph Pad prism 6   on the obtained data and showed that the difference
           Software, CA, USA. However, statistical difference was   between means was significant after the exposure of
           considered significant if P ≤ 0.05 confidence interval.  HepG   cells  to  125  and  250  µg/mL  of  5-FU,  but  not
                                                              significant with other groups.
           RESULTS                                            Results in Table 2 demonstrates that the percentage
                                                              of cytotoxicity increased  gradually  by increasing  the
           Effect of Kochia indica extract on HepG   2        concentration of 5-FU, while the viability (%) of HepG
           As shown on Figure 3, the mean values of absorbance   cultured cells was decreased. The absorbance means
           were decreased after  the exposure of  HepG   cells   of two groups exposed to both concentrations 125 and
           to  upgrading concentrations of  Kochia indica  extract   250  µg/mL  of  5-FU  were  significantly  different  (P  ≤
           compared to the control group. The obtained data were   0.05) compared to the control.
           analyzed with ANOVA and showed that the difference
           among  the absorbance  values in the control group   Data  depicted  in  Figure  6 show the relationship
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