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Stambo et al.                                                                                                                                                           LC Bead embolization of hepatic neoplasms

           Figure 5: Three months follow-up positron emission tomography scans demonstrating no uptake within the tumor consistent with complete
           tumor kill

           enhancing variable sized tumor masses more common   results  with  irinotecan  eluting  beads  for  the  first  12
           in the right hepatic lobe compared to the left. As in the   colorectal  metastasis patients, it was clear that this
           case presented, 2 of the HCC patients had tumors   treatment protocol was not effective and needed to be
           greater  than 10 cm in diameter. Most were  single   replaced for the benefit of our patients. Certainly, the
           lesions  without regional  adenopathy  or metastasis.   results were surprising to our researchers especially
           Two of the patients had multiple liver masses at time   according to the results documented in the medical
           of treatment. The TNM staging for the HCC patients   oncology literature related to  irinotecan treatment
           in this  study  ranged from  primary tumor T1, T2  and   of colorectal metastasis.  The medical oncologists
           T3a. There were no primary tumors T3b or T4 lesions.   reviewed all cases with the interventional radiologists
           There were no regional lymph nodes N0 and no distant   and together agreed to replace the protocol in response
           metastasis M0.                                     to  the  poor irinotecan results.  Furthermore, from  the
                                                              onset of the study, all  of the HCC  patients  received
           In total, 36/48 (75%) of the patients received doxorubicin   doxorubicin based on the chemotherapy data results
           and 12/48 (25%) patients received irinotecan.  The   at that time.
           majority  (52%) of patients  had colon  metastasis. Of
           those, 13/25 (52%) received  doxorubicin  and 12/25   Frequencies and percentages were used to
           (48%)  received  irinotecan.  Thirteen  patients  (27%)   characterize  demographic,  clinical,  and outcomes
           had HCC and all 13 received doxorubicin. Of the 10   data from our consecutive case series. Two outcome
           remaining tumor types, all received doxorubicin. Due   categories  were  created for patients with colorectal
           to changes in practice over the course of the year when   metastasis by combining those with partial response
           patients  were  treated,  the  first  12  colon  metastasis   or stable disease into one category and those with
           patients out of  the  25 received irinotecan and all   worsened disease into a second category. Due to the
           the remaining  colon metastasis patients received   small sample size, a Fisher’s exact test was used to
           doxorubicin.  Initially,  the colon metastasis patients   test the hypothesis that among those with colorectal
           received irinotecan based on the chemotherapy data   metastases, outcomes (i.e. partial response or stable
           at that time. However, the initial results of the first 12   disease  vs. worsened  disease) differed according
           patients were statistically poor and the investigators   to the type of treatment received  (doxorubicin  vs.
           replaced irinotecan with doxorubicin  on all the   irinotecan). The difference was considered statistically
           remaining  patients in the study.  Based on the poor   significant at an alpha of 0.05.
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