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and  miRNA data are derived  from the  de-identified   less than 10 counts and missing data exceeded 10%
            publically available TCGA dataset, it is not possible to   of all subjects. MiRNAs with less than 10 counts per
            link to any individual. Therefore, no Institutional Review   million  may  be due to sequencing  errors.  A low
            Board (IRB) approval was required.                 missing  value (< 10%)  provides the most reliable
                                                               and consistent  result  without  the  need  for  further
            MiRNA sequencing data from 8 other solid tumors    normalization.  A total of 153 miRNAs passed the
            in TCGA dataset                                    filtering criteria and data were log2-transformed for
            MiRNA sequencing and clinical data from other solid   final statistical analysis in HCC.
            cancers were also downloaded from TCGA data portal.
            Eight solid tumors with available miRNA and clinical   Paired t-test with Bonferroni correction for multiple
            data in over 40 paired tumor and non-tumor tissues   comparisons was used to identify miRNAs that were
            were  considered  in  the  final  statistical  analyses,   significant different (P < 0.0001) with at least a 2-fold
            including female breast invasive carcinoma (BRCA),   expression change between the 48 paired HCC tumor
            head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSC), kidney   and adjacent non-tumor tissues. The volcano plot and
            renal cell carcinoma (KIRC), lung adenocarcinoma   hierarchical clustering were performed using the panel
            (LUAD), lung squamous cell carcinoma (LUSC), prostate   of significant miRNAs to describe the distribution of
            adenocarcinoma (PRAD), stomach adenocarcinoma      miRNAs and tumor classification, respectively. The
            (STAD), and thyroid carcinoma (THCA). The samples   same miRNA panel was used to construct a heat-map
            sizes (pairs) were 102 for BRCA, 71 for KIRC, 59 for   and classify the 302 unpaired tumor tissues. The general
            THCA, 52 for PRAD, 46 for LUAD, 43 for HNSC, and 41   linear model was used to compare miRNAs expression
            for both STAD and LUSC.                            levels between unpaired HCC tumor and non-tumor
                                                               tissues adjusted for covariates significantly different
            HCC  patients and  miRNA data  used as the         between groups. Prediction analysis of microarrays
            validation set                                     using the nearest shrunken centroid methodology
            For the first set of validation, we used 32 HCC frozen   was used to separately evaluate the classification of
            tumor and adjacent non-tumor tissues (16 pairs) that   tissues (tumor vs. non-tumor) for paired and unpaired
            were collected by the Center for Liver Disease and   tumors by those significantly altered miRNAs, and
            Transplantation, and stored in the Molecular Pathology   estimate prediction error, sensitivity, specificity,
            Shared Resource of the Herbert Irving Comprehensive   positive predictive value and negative predictive
            Cancer Center, Columbia University Medical Center   value via cross-validation.  Two-sample t-tests were
            (CUMC). This study has been approved by the IRB of   applied to identify significant miRNAs (P < 0.0001)
            CUMC. Total RNA, including miRNAs was isolated from   with over 2-fold changes by age group (< 60 vs. ≥ 60
            HCC  tissues  by  RNeasy Microarray  Tissue Mini Kits   years), gender (male vs. female), BMI (≥25 vs. <25),
            (Qiagen, Frederick, MA) according to the manufacturer’s   etiologies [alcohol  vs. hepatitis B surface antigen
            protocol. TaqMan Low Density Arrays (TLDA, Applied   (HBsAg) positive vs. anti-HCV positive], AFP (≥ 400 vs.
            Biosystems, Foster City, CA), covering 733 miRNAs   < 400 ng/mL), and other clinicopathological covariates
            (670 unique human mature miRNAs), were used to     described  above.  Subgroups  analyses  were  further
            generate miRNA profiles thatwere deposited in NCBI’s   conducted among HCC tumor and non-tumor tissues
            Gene Expression Omnibus database (accession number   carrying one specific risk factor (alcohol, HBsAg or
            GSE54751).  TaqMan MicroRNA assays were used to    anti-HCV) to identify etiologic-specific miRNA panels.
            further evaluate the consistence of candidate miRNA
            expression patterns in 66 paired HCC tumor and non-  Similar stringent filtering criteria and statistical analysis
            tumor tissues  from  CUMC.  U6 snRNA  stable  in  liver   strategies were used to identify aberrantly expressed
            tumor/adjacent tissues (Ct: 21.19 vs. 21.08, P = 0.398)   miRNA profiles from the other 8 different solid tumors.
            was used as an endogenous control to normalize the   The identified miRNA panels from different tumors
            expression of miRNAs using the 2 (-ΔΔCt)  approach. [14]  were compared to each other to discover “tumor type
                                                               specific” or “tumor common” miRNA panels. We define
            Statistical analysis                               “tumor common” miRNAs as those significant for at least
            We applied stringent criteria to filter available miRNA   5 tumor types, including HCC, and with fold-changes in
            sequencing data before performing any statistical   the same direction. “Tumor type specific” miRNAs are
            analysis to ensure the reliability and abundance of   defined as only significant for one type of tumor among
            candidate miRNAs in the target tissues. MiRNAs were   the 9 investigated tumors. If miRNAs are significant
            excluded from further data analyses if the RPM was   for several different tumor types, but the direction in

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