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INTRODUCTION                                       (NHGRI) to characterize the genomic data of more
                                                              than 30 different types of cancers, and accelerate
           MicroRNAs (miRNA) are important biological         understanding of the molecular basis of cancer.
           regulators and play a critical role in controlling protein-  Currently, there are 366 cancer patients in the cancer
           coding genes’ expression at the post-transcriptional   type of liver hepatocellular carcinoma, who provided
           level. It is estimated that one third of human genes   demographic, etiologic and clinical data, as well as
           are directly or indirectly governed by miRNAs and   tissue samples for TCGA study. The miRNA expression
           they impact multiple cellular pathways involved in   and corresponding etiologies and clinical data were
           tumorigenesis. [1,2]  Anomalous expression of miRNAs   downloaded (up to June 16, 2015) from TCGA data
           have  been  implicated  in  a  wide  variety  of  cancers,   portal (
           including hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), one of the   jsp), and a total of 414 samples from 366 histologically
           most common cancers and the third leading cause of   confirmed liver cancer patients have completed miRNAs,
           cancer  death  worldwide.  The  incidence  of  HCC  has   etiologic  and  clinical  data.  After  checking  histologic
           tripled over the past 30 years in the United States, [3,4]    diagnosis  and  tissue  types,  we  excluded  10  non-HCC
           which may be attributed to increased hepatitis C virus   cases (either mixed hepatocholangiocarcinoma or
           (HCV) infection and obesity-related nonalcoholic fatty   fibrolamellar carcinoma); 5 recurrent HCC tumors and
           liver disease (NAFLD). [4,5]  Other established etiologies   1 HCC non-tumor tissue without relevant paired tumor
           of HCC are hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, alcohol   tissue. Finally, data from 48 HCC patients with paired
           abuse and aflatoxin B  (AFB ) exposure. [6,7]  Most   tumor and non-tumor tissues and 302 HCC patients with
           previous  studies  examining  miRNA  profiles  in  HCC   tumor tissues alone were analyzed in the current study.
           tumor  tissue  or  blood  focused  on  investigation  of
           the main effects of aberrant miRNAs associated with   Demographic, etiologic and clinical data include co-
           cancer status without consideration of the potential   variates of age, gender, race/ethnicity, height (m) and
           influence  of  etiologic  risk  factors  on  miRNA  levels   weight (kg) at cancer diagnosis, body mass index (BMI,
           that may bias the miRNA patterns observed in HCC   kg/m ), HCC risk factors (alcohol consumption, HBV,
           tumors with heterogeneous etiologies. That may     HCV, NAFLD, mixed and none), tumor status (free vs.
           be one reason for the discrepant results of previous   not free), family history of cancer (no vs. yes), alpha
           miRNA marker studies of HCC. Although some studies   fetoprotein  (AFP,  ng/mL),  histologic tumor  grade
           do examine miRNA profiles in HCC patients carrying   (G1-G2  vs. G3-G4),  the American Joint Committee
           specific etiologies, [8-10]  it is still unclear whether the   on Cancer (AJCC)  tumor-node-metastasis  (TNM)
           identified miRNAs are etiology-specific due to lack of   (T0-T2  vs. T3-Tx), lymph node involvement (N0-N1
           transverse comparisons with HCC patients carrying   vs. Nx), pathological stage (stage I-II vs. stage III-IV),
           other etiologic factors. Another challenge is the lack   metastasis status (M0-M1 vs. Mx), vital status (alive
           of a comparison of miRNA panels between HCC and    vs. dead), survival days (either days to last follow-up
           other solid tumor types, and no evidence to indicate   or days to death). Other clinical variables (Child-Pugh
           HCC tumor type specific miRNA alterations that may   classification, vascular  tumor invasion, adjuvant
           limit future clinical application. In the current study, we   treatment, surgical types and new tumor event after
           integrate HCC etiologies and miRNA sequencing data   initial treatment) were not analyzed in the current
           from HCC and 8 other types of solid tumors in The   study due to either a large amount of missing data or
           Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) resource, and investigate   small sample sizes in subgroups.
           whether miRNA panels identified in HCC tumor are
           organ specific and affected by important etiologic   The level 3 (archive type) miRNA expression data were
           factors. These results can be used for more precise   generated from the Illumina HiSeq  2000  platform
           clinical early diagnosis of HCC subtypes and screening   (Illumina Inc., San Diego,  CA) and annotated to
           of high risk populations with specific HCC etiologies.  reference miRBase v16 of UCSC hg19 alignments.  A
                                                              total of 1,046 unique mature miRNAs were obtained.
           METHODS                                            The sequencing data are presented as raw read counts
                                                              and reads per million (RPM) mapped miRNAs reads.
           Demographic, etiologies, clinical and miRNA data in   The RPM indicates the expression level of miRNA
           HCC patients from TCGA dataset                     and is calculated according to the formula: RPM =
           TCGA is a comprehensive and coordinated project    (N /N ) × 10 , N : number  of reads mapped to
           supported by the National Cancer Institute (NCI)   the specific miRNA reference; N : total number of reads
           and the National Human Genome Research Institute   mapped in the sample. Because all demographic, clinical
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