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Table 3: Effect of BCAE on DPPH radical scavenging
                                    Concentration (µg/mL)  % DPPH inhibition         IC 50  value
           BCAE                     10                     15.53 ± 1.85
                                    20                     31.76 ± 2.25
                                    40                     36.07 ± 71.35
                                    60                     71.96 ± 1.76              50.21 µg/mL
                                    80                     73.16 ± 2.15
                                    100                    80.16 ± 1.07
           Ascorbic acid            5                      24.92 ± 1.33
                                    10                     54.67 ± 2.89
                                    20                     68.83 ± 1.68
                                    40                     86.73 ± 2.46              3.35 µg/mL
                                    50                     91.86 ± 1.75
                                    100                    93.63 ± 0.86
           Results are expressed as mean ± SEM (n = 3); IC 50  = 50% inhibitory concentration. BCAE: aqueous extract of Bombax ceiba
           amount of collagen tissue (arrow) stained blue with Masson’s   In  accordance with  earlier  reports, [30-32]   the  present
           trichrome stain in the portal triad [Figure 1B]. Liver section of   investigations revealed that administration of CCl  caused
           olive oil treated animals [Figure 1A] showed normal hepatic   a marked impairment  in  liver  function, as  indicated by
           architecture with central canal having radiating hepatocytes.   significant increase in plasma levels of marker enzymes;
           Minimal amount of collagen tissue (arrow) stained blue with   and produced extensive histological damages to liver. CCl 4
           Masson’s stain was evident in the portal triad.    undergoes  metabolism  in  liver to form trichloromethyl
                                                              peroxyl (CCl O ) radical  and several lines of evidences
           The BCAE treatment (500 mg/kg) or silymarin showed   suggest  that  the  free  radicals oxidize  the  essential
           significant protection against CCl -induced hepatic damage   macromolecular structures,  that is,  DNA,  proteins,  and
           as indicated by lesser amount of collagen tissue vascular as   lipids, and eventually produce cytotoxicity. [34,35]  In addition,
           compared to vehicle [Figure 1B]. Treatment with 500 mg/kg   higher levels of lipid peroxidation are clinically evident in
           dose of BCAE exhibited comparable protection [Figure 1D] to   liver disorders [36]  and the antioxidant therapy was found to
           that offered by silymarin (25 mg/kg) [Figure 1C].  ameliorate these effects. [37]
           Antioxidant effect of BCAE                         It  was observed that treatment with  BCAE  ameliorated
           Quantitative estimation of antioxidant phytochemicals   the CCl -induced impairments in the liver functions except
           The total flavonoid content of BCAE was found to be 5.79 mg   total protein and albumin. BCAE in the dose 500 mg/kg
           quercetin equivalents/g of extract, while the total phenolic   offered moderate degree of attenuation in the elevated
           content was found to be 0.225 mg tannic acid equivalent/g of   GOT, GPT, and TG, but with very remarkable prevention
           extract, respectively.                             of ALP and T. The lower dose of 250 mg/kg was almost
                                                              ineffective in normalizing the liver markers except for a
           DPPH free radical scavenging activity              few. BCAE also showed lesser degree of collagen fiber as
           The BCAE in concentration range of 10-100 μg/mL inhibited   compared to vehicle control [Figure 1] which suggests the
           DPPH  radical  formation  as  indicated  by  concentration-  preventive nature of the extract on liver tissue fibrosis.
           dependent decrease in the purple color of the solution.   These findings confirmed that BCAE exerts moderate
           Similar effect was obtained with ascorbic acid, the standard   hepatoprotective effect. Previously the hepatoprotective
           antioxidant,  in  the  concentration  range  of  5-100  μg/mL.   effect of  Bombax ceiba flowers was demonstrated in
           The linear regression analysis of concentration vs. percent   isoniazid  plus rifampicin  induced hepatotoxicity   and
           DPPH inhibition was carried out. The IC  value of BCAE and   supports the findings of the present study.
           ascorbic acid, obtained from regression analysis, were 50.21
           and 3.35 μg/mL, respectively [Table 3].            Phytochemical analysis of BCAE revealed the presence of
                                                              the antioxidant phytochemicals flavonoids, terpenes and
           DISCUSSION                                         phenolic compounds. It has been earlier reported that the
                                                              flowers and other parts of this plant contains flavonoids
           Acute toxicity study of the BCAE (2,000 mg/kg, orally)   and sesquiterpenens,  etc. [38,39]   The  present  study  also
           revealed that there was no toxicity of any nature or moribund   revealed that BCAE has fair amount of flavonoids  and
           stage during the observation period. This illustrates that the   phenolics.
           NOAEL of BCAE is more than 2,000 mg/kg. Based on this, the
           BCAE was administered in the dose range of 200 mg/kg (one   BCAE was further tested for its antioxidant activity. The
           tenth of the limit test dose level). The previous studies   results  revealed that  BCAE  has  significant  free  radical
           have also used extract of Bombax ceiba in the similar dose   scavenging  property  [Table  3]  with  IC   of  50.21  μg/mL.
           range. [14]                                        The antioxidant activities of the flavonoids  are well
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