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INTRODUCTION                                       flowers of Bombax ceiba.

            The  liver  is  exposed  to  many  kinds  of  xenobiotics  and   METHODS
            therapeutic agents and has large capacity for metabolic
            conversions.  As  the  liver  is  largely  responsible  for  the   Plant material
            biotransformation of many complex molecules, it is always   The flowers of  Bombax ceiba were collected from the
            at the risk of detrimental physiological and pathological   Medicinal Garden of the National Research Institute for
            alterations characterized as liver diseases. Various types of   Ayurveda-Siddha Human Resource Development, Gwalior in
            liver disorders include cirrhosis, jaundice, cancer, metabolic   April 2011. The flowers were identified by Dr. N.K. Pandey,
            and degenerative lesion, liver cell necrosis, and hepatitis.    Research Officer (Botany), National Research Institute for
            Steroids, vaccines and anti-viral drugs, which have been   Ayurveda-Siddha Human Resource Development, Gwalior,
            employed as a therapy for liver diseases, have potential   Aamkho, Gwalior, India. A voucher specimen (Accession no.
            adverse  side  effects  especially  when  administered  for   410) of the authenticated  Bombax ceiba flowers has been
            long  term.   Hepatoprotective  agents  of  plant  origin  have   deposited in the herbarium of the Institute.
            attracted special interest, and numerous medicinal plants
            and their formulations have been used for liver disorders in   Drugs and chemicals
            the Ayurvedic system of medicine. These medicinal plants   Carbon tetrachloride (CCl ) was purchased from Qualigens
            have been studied for their influence on liver dysfunction. [3]  Fine  Chemicals,  Mumbai,  India.  Olive  oil  (Figaro,  Spain),
                                                               ascorbic acid, and tannic acid were purchased from local
            Bombax ceiba  Linn.  (Family:  Bombacaceae),  is  a  large,   market of Gwalior. Quercetin and DPPH (2, 2-Diphenyl-
            deciduous tree commonly known as Silk Cotton Tree,   1-picrylhydryl)  were  obtained  from  Sigma  Chemicals,
            Indian Red Kapok tree, Semal, Shimul and Shalmali. It is   USA. Glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT), glutamic
            found throughout India and other parts of tropical and   pyruvic  transaminase  (GPT),  and  alkaline  phosphatase
            sub-tropical Asia, Australia, and Africa. The plant has both   (ALP) estimation kits (Erba-Mannheim) were procured from
            economic and medicinal value. It yields gum and cotton. It   Transasia  Biomedicals  Pvt.  Limited,  Mumbai  while  total
                                                               bilirubin (T) estimation kit was procured from Siemens
            is a large and long-living tree species which gives strength   Medical Solution Diagnostic Ltd. Baroda India. Triglycerides
            to the body, mind, and heart.  The plant is popular among   (TG), total protein, and albumin estimation kits were procured
            the tribal communities for the treatment of various diseases.   from Span Diagnostic Pvt. Ltd., Surat, India. All remaining
            Almost every part of the plant, the seeds, flowers, roots,   chemicals used in the experiment were of the highest grade
            and barks of Bombax ceiba have a long history of medicinal   commercially available.
            uses. The paste of flowers and leaves are applied externally
            to relieve swellings, boils, and various skin conditions. The   Preparation of aqueous extract of flowers of Bombax
            traditional healers of Chhattisgarh Plains boiled the flowers   ceiba
            throughout the night, and gave them with mustard seeds   The dried flowers were subjected to size reduction to a
            orally as treatment of enlarged spleen.  The decoction of   coarse powder by using dry grinder. This powder (100 g) was
            the semal flowers is used as home remedy for the treatment   soaked in 1 L purified water, mixed, and kept in dark and
            of jaundice. The flowers, leaves, and stem of Bombax ceiba   dry place for 48 h. Chloroform was added in quantity of 1%
            have been evaluated for various pharmacological actions.   total mixture to prevent microbial growth. After 48 h, the
            The various extract of Bombax ceiba have shown analgesic,   mixture was filtered initially by Muslin cloth and after that
            oxytocic  hypotensive, hypoglycemic,  antimicrobial,    with Whatman Filter paper No.1. The filtered extract was
            antioxidant, [10-12]  antiangiogenic  activities.  dried using a rotary evaporator. After drying, a light brown
                                                               extract was obtained (20% w/w).
            Despite the traditional use of this plant in the treatment
            of jaundice and splenic enlargement, very few scientific   Preliminary phytochemical screening
            studies have been carried out to delineate its influence on   Preliminary phytochemical screening of aqueous extract of
            experimentally induced hepatotoxicity. A recent study has   flowers of Bombax ceiba (BCAE) was carried out to detect the
            reported hepatoprotective effect of the Bombax ceiba flowers   presence of various phytochemicals by standard procedures
            in anti-tubercular drugs-induced toxicity.  However, the   [Table 1].
            effects were limited to reversal of drug-induced necrosis.
            Water is an extraction solvent to extract the hydrophilic   Animals
            antioxidants present in the plants. For use in foods, plant   Healthy adult Wistar rats of either sex weighing about 200-
            extracts made with water are nutritionally more relevant and   250 g, between 2-3 months of age were used in the study.
            would have obvious advantages in certification and safety.    They were housed in groups in polypropylene cages, under
            The present study was undertaken to validate the traditional   standard conditions (12:12 h light:dark cycle; 22 ± 3 °C;
            use of Bombax ceiba in jaundice and to confirm earlier studies.   40-60% humidity) and had free access to standard rat pellet
            Furthermore, we demonstrated the role of free radicals in   diet (Ashirwad brand, Chandigarh, India) and filter water, ad
            hepatotoxicity, and the  in vitro antioxidant activity of the   libitum. The experiments were carried out in accordance with

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