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Figure 3: Expression patterns (fold-changes and standard errors) of 10 “tumor common” miRNAs in different types of solid tumors. MiR-182, miR-182, miR-
           21, miR-142 and miR-455 were significantly up-regulated, and miR-139, miR-144, miR-101-2, miR-451 and miR-486 were significantly down-regulated for most
           of tumor types. Interestingly, miR-142 and miR-455 were significantly down-regulated in HCC and is in the opposite direction from the five other solid tumors,
           suggesting their potential as “HCC tumor specific” markers. HCC: hepatocellular carcinoma

           repressed in HBV-related HCC; and up-regulated     and are only significant in one type of tumor, but not
           miR-93 was identified in both HBV and HCV related   others, or aberrant expression in one tumor type is
           HCC [Supplementary Figure  8A]. Several etiology-  in the opposite direction compared with all others.
           specific miRNAs were identified that do not overlap   Significantly down-regulated miR-24-1, miR-130a and
           with those found in overall HCC [Supplementary     miR-505 were only observed in HCC tumors with
           Figure 8B], but most significant miRNAs identified in   fold-changes ranging from -2.27 to -3.7 [Figure 2].
           etiology-specific HCC were also consistently observed   Similar down-regulation was confirmed by TaqMan
           in overall HCC, which indicates that the fundamental   arrayin the validation set of HCC patients from CUMC
           mechanisms may be similar for hepatocarcinogenesis   although only miR-24 and miR-130a achieved statistical
           regardless of etiology.However, the results should be   significance [Supplementary Table 5]. The expression
           explainedwith caution because of the small sample   pattern of the 3 miRNAs was consistently repressed in
           sizes in subgroup analyses.                        KIRC and PRAD, but was not statistically significant.
                                                              An up-regulated expression pattern was observed
           Exploring HCC “tumor type specific” and “common    for 3 miRNAs in HNSC, LUAD and STAD, but none
           tumor” miRNAs panels                               was significant. Inconsistent regulation patterns (up-
           Using the same filtering criteria and statistical analysis   or down-) for the 3 miRNAs were obtained in BRCA,
           strategies as for HCC, we examined miRNA profiles   LUSC and THCA, suggesting HCC tumor specificity for
           in an additional 8 solid tumor types with TCGA data   these miRNAs. We also identified 2 “tumor specific”
           available on at least 40 paired tumor and adjacent   miRNAs for LUAD, 3 for PRAD, 4 for HNSC, 5 for BRCA,
           non-tumor tissues. Different panels consisting of   6 for KIRC, and 8 for LUSA, STAD and THCA (data not
           15 to 52 significant miRNAs (P < 0.0001) with over   shown). These data provide promising evidence to
           2-fold changes were obtained for these tumors      justify further investigation of “tumor type specific”
           [Supplementary Figure 9]. Many more up-regulated   miRNAs in other types of tumors.
           miRNAs were found for LUAD, LUSC, STAD and
           PRAD compared to HCC which  had  more  down-       We also identified 8 “tumor common” miRNAs fitting
           regulated miRNAs [Supplementary Figures 2 and 4].   into the above definition including up-regulated miR-
           Other tumors have similar numbers of up- or down-  21, miR-182, miR-183, and down-regulated miR-139,
           regulated miRNAs. Our data for the first time revealed   miR-144,  miR-101-2,  miR-451,  miR-486  [Figure  3].
           that  certain  miRNAs  have  “tumor  type  specificity”   Interestingly, the expression of miR-142 and miR-

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