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Page 10 of 30           Yoon et al. Energy Mater 2024;4:400063

                Figure 8. (A) Schematic illustration and cyclability of an Sb/C nanosheet  anode  . (B) Schematic illustration and cyclability of a
                                  [79]                                             [80]
                NiSb/N-C nanosheet anode  . (C) Schematic illustration and rate capability of an Sb/CTHN anode  . (D) Schematic illustration and
                                       [81]                                           [82]
                rate capability of a CS/NPC  anode  . (E) Schematic illustration and rate capability of a ZnSnSb   anode  . This figure is reproduced
                                      [78]    [79]    [80]      [81]         [82]
                with permission from Zhang et al.  , Pan et al.  , Yu et al.  , Yang et al.  , and Coquil et al.  .
               after 1,000 cycles at a current rate of 1.0 A g . Yu et al. encapsulated Sb nanoparticles derived from MOFs in
               hollow carbon and titanium dioxide nanotubes (Sb/CTHNs) to suppress volume expansion and enhance Li
               diffusion [Figure 8C] . The Sb/CTHNs provide a large surface area and pathways for Li-ion diffusion and
               electron transport. The robust hollow structure accommodated volume expansion during the alloying/
               dealloying process, resulting in a stable SEI layer and a high rate capability of 374.1 mAh g  at a current rate
               of 5.0 A g . Yang et al. fabricated a CoSb nanocomposite anchored on Swiss-cheese-like nitrogen-doped
               porous carbon (CS/NPC), which delivered stability and a high rate capability [Figure 8D] . The specific
               structure contributed to enhanced electronic conductivity, a shorter ion-diffusion distance, and suppressed
               Sb volume changes during repeated cycling. The CS/NPC anode exhibited a high rate capability of
               343 mAh g  at a current rate of 10 A g . The strong metal-N-C bonds formed by the doped heteroatoms
               provided sufficient active sites for Li ions and strengthened interfacial adhesion between the active materials
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