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Page 4 of 11                             Qin et al. Microstructures 2023;3:2023035

               Table 2. The rietveld refinement data of the observed XRD patterns for B F-BT ceramics
                             Phase fraction (%)           Rhombohedral              Cubic
                x     Rhombohedral      Cubic                           3                 3           2
                      (R3c)             (Pm m)     a (Å)   c (Å)    V (Å )    a (Å)   V (Å )    R wp  X
                -0.01  38               62         5.6454  13.8319  381.781   3.9989  63.948    8.0  1.41
                0.00  54                46         5.6437  13.8376  381.704   3.9991  63.958    9.3  1.73
                0.01  66                34         5.6393  13.8590  381.689   4.0045  64.281    8.8  1.49
                0.02  65                35         5.6396  13.8614  381.805   4.0084  64.407    8.6  1.52
                0.03  77                23         5.6389  13.8669  381.854   4.0063  64.303    9.5  1.74
                0.04  74                26         5.6389  13.8654  381.812   4.0075  64.363    9.2  1.67

                            Figure 1. (A) XRD patterns of the B F-BT ceramics, (B) the Rietveld refinement results for x = 0.01.

               Figure 2 shows the surface morphology of the B F-BT ceramics in different compositions. The ceramic
               surface exhibits a compact morphology with clear grain boundaries and seldom pores. The calculated
               relative density is higher than 95% for all compositions [Supplementary Figure 1], which is consistent with
               the observations from SEM results. Statistical analysis of the grain size distributions reveals that the grains
               tend to increase with enriching the Bi O  content. The ceramic grain size increases from 4.01 μm of x = -0.01
               to 9.62 μm of x = 0.04. It is evident that the excess Bi O  not only compensates for volatilization but also acts
               as a sintering aid promoting grain growth, which is consistent with the literature [46,47] .
               Figure 3 shows the backscattered electron (BSE) images of the polished surface of B F-BT ceramics with
               the corresponding elemental mapping results by EDS. A BSE image is used to see the dark and bright
               contrast, showing the light and heavy element distributions to evidence the core-shell structure in grains,
               and EDS helps further identify the exact elements in the core and shell regions. The images reveal a non-
               uniform distribution of elements inside the ceramic, leading to a distinct core-shell microstructure, which is
               caused by immiscibility of the dominantly ionically bonded BT and covalently bonded BF phases and the
               microscopic segregation of elements that forms during the slow cooling process of sintering [3,53-56] .
               Murakami et al. synthesized the 0.05BiScO -(0.95-x)BaTiO -xBiFeO  ceramics without a discernible core-
               shell microstructure ; it is proven that the BF-BT lattice can be replaced by dopants in the narrow range of
               the ionic radius (R : 0.745; R :0.605; R :0.645Å)/electronegativity (E :1.3; E :1.5; E :1.8) difference
               so as to prevent phase separation during slow cooling processes. Notably, there is a noticeable contrast
               between light and dark regions in Figure 3. The core, enriched with Bi and Fe, appears brighter, while the
               shell, enriched with Ba and Ti, appears relatively darker. In addition, the BSE images of x = -0.01 and
               x = 0.03  and  the  distribution  of  EDS  elements  are  shown  in  Supplementary  Figure  2
               and Supplementary Figure 3.
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