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Harangi et al.                                                                                                                                                           LDL apheresis or PCSK9 inhibition, or both?

           arcus. This allows for risk assessment and diagnosis   FH and coronary artery disease.  Furthermore,
           when genetic testing is not available. Criteria that are   findings from the ODYSSEY ESCAPE study suggest
           most  commonly used in the  diagnosis  of  FH is the   a role for alirocumab in the overall  management  of
           Dutch Lipid Network criteria.  Genetic testing is critical   patients with heterozygous FH undergoing  regular
           for cascade screening and genetic counseling. [1]  lipoprotein  apheresis therapy,  with the  potential to
                                                              avoid apheresis treatments or delay the requirement
           Total cholesterol levels of 350-550 mg/dL (9-      for such treatments. [11]
           14.2 mmol/L) are typical of heterozygous FH while
           total cholesterol levels  of 650-1,000  mg/dL (16.8-  Here  we  demonstrate  the  efficacy  of  selective  LDL
           25.9 mmol/L) are typical of  homozygous FH.   In   apheresis, PCSK9 inhibitor  evolocumab and the
           heterozygous  patients  LDL-C  levels  are  usually  >   combination of the two treatment strategies in the case
           190 mg/dL (> 4.9 mmol/L). In adults with homozygous   of a severe heterozygous FH patient.
           FH,  untreated  LDL-C levels  are generally,  but not
           always, > 500 mg/dL (> 13 mmol/L). However, levels   CASE REPORT
           can be lower in children or in treated individuals. Thus,
           LDL-C levels are not sufficient to confirm a diagnosis. [5]  The 48-year-old female patient (body weight:
                                                              85  kg,  height:  176  cm,  body  mass  index:  27.4  kg/m )
           FH is associated  with high  risk of enhanced      with extremely high  total cholesterol,  LDL-C  and
           atherogenesis  leading  to the early development   lipoprotein(a)  [Lp(a)] levels  was treated by our Lipid
           of coronary artery disease (CAD), carotid artery   ambulance.  She had xanthelasmas on both eye lids
           disease and peripheral artery disease. The European   [Figure  1], but neither  xanthoma  nor  corneal  arcus
           Atherosclerosis Society suggests LDL-C goals of less   could be seen.
           than 100 mg/dL (2.59 mmol/L) in all adults with FH, and
           less than 70 mg/dL (1.81 mmol/L) in adults with known   Carotid artery ultrasound proved significant stenosis
           CAD or diabetes mellitus.   Therefore, there is an   on both sides. Electrocardiography, echocardiography
           ardent need for an aggressive therapeutic intervention   and exercise electrocardiography did not show the
           based on high dose statin or statin and ezetimibe   signs of CAD. Using the Dutch Lipid Network Criteria
           administration, selective LDL-apheresis  or newly   the diagnosis of FH is “probable”. Sequencing of the
           developed further therapeutic strategies including the   LDL receptor gene we found a known pathogenic
           inhibition of PCSK9. [6]
                                                              mutation in heterozygous form (c.1865 A>G,  exon
           LDL apheresis techniques are artificial extracorporeal   13). Since the hypercholesterolemia, we found is
                                                              unexpectedly  severe in heterozygous FH, further
           methods  for LDL-C  elimination.  There  are various   genetic tests  are  in  process.  Although  mildly
           methods, including cascade filtration or lipid filtration,
           immunoadsorption, heparin-induced LDL precipitation,   elevated triglyceride (3.1 mmol/L) and lower HDL-C
           dextran sulfate LDL  adsorption, and the LDL       (1.1 mmol/L) levels are not usual in FH, the fact that
           hemoperfusion. All of these techniques  are effective   the patient was overweight may explain this.
           and well tolerated. The constant reduction of cholesterol   Despite  the maximum dose of combined  treatment
           is meant, above all, to prevent the progression or the
           development of atherosclerosis. [7]                (rosuvastatin 40 mg/day,  ezetimibe 10 mg/day,
                                                              fenofibrate 267 mg/day), lipid levels were continuously
           Human monoclonal antibodies against PCSK9:         high above the goals (total cholesterol 11.7 mmol/L,
           alirocumab and  evolocumab  have recently been     LDL-C 9.1 mmol/L).  Therefore, we indicated  the
           approved  by the Food and Drug  Administration.    selective  LDL apheresis  treatment once  a month
           These agents target and inactivate PCSK9, a hepatic   (financially  supported  by  the  Hungarian  National
           protease that attaches and internalizes LDL receptors   Health  Insurance  Company).  We performed  the
           into lysosomes hence promoting their destruction.
           By preventing LDL receptor destruction, LDL-C levels
           can be lowered 50-60% above that achieved by statin
           therapy alone.   Although  the  data  are  deficient,
           PCSK9 inhibitors may reduce the frequency or even
           eliminate the need for LDL apheresis therapy. A recent
           study reported  that  switching from  LDL  apheresis to
           evolocumab  maintained  the LDL-lowering  effect but
           did not  decrease high-density  lipoprotein  cholesterol   Figure 1: Xanthelasma on both eye lids of the patient with
           (HDL-C) levels in three patients with heterozygous   heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia
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