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Shalimova                                                                                                                                                                  Cardiovascular remodeling in EH and DM2

           DISCUSSION                                         pronounced  cardiovascular  remodeling  compared  to
                                                              the A/A genotype. Patients with the Pro/Pro genotype
           Changes in echocardiographic parameters depending   of the Pro12Ala polymorphism of PPARγ2 had more
           on genetic polymorphisms  of  the  AGTR1  gene can   severe hemodynamic and metabolic disorders.
           be regarded  as a result of varying  activation of AT1
           receptors, leading to  differential expression and   Authors’ contributions
           proliferation  of cardiomyocytes  and  myocardium   A. Shalimova contributed solely to this paper.
           remodeling. [14,15]
                                                              Financial support and sponsorship
           The involvement of polymorphisms of the AGTR1 gene   None.
           in the development and progression of atherosclerotic
           processes  was  demonstrated  by  significantly  lower   Conflicts of interest
           levels of  anti-atherogenic  high density lipoprotein   There are no conflicts of interest.
           cholesterol and significantly higher levels of glucose,
           HbA1c, insulin and HOMA-IR in patients with the A/C   Patient consent
           + C/C genotype compared to the A/A genotype. More   Each patient was informed the study and gave their
           pronounced  IR in the  A/C +  C/C genotype  can be   consent.
           explained  by common mechanisms of hypertension
           and  IR, including  activation  of the renin-angiotensin-  Ethics approval
           aldosterone  system, which affects the sensitivity of   The study protocol was supported  by the Ethics
           tissues to insulin and compensatory hyperinsulinemia.  Committee of the Kharkiv National Medical University.

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