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Bilovol et al. Relationship between atrial fibrillation, BMI and adipokines
DECLARATIONS JAMA 2004;292:2471-7.
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Authors’ contributions 2011;107:579-82.
Study design: O. Bilovol, I. Ilchenko 9. Frost L, Hune LJ, Vestergaard P. Overweight and obesity as risk
Development of methodology: O. Bilovol factors for atrial fibrillation or flutter: the Danish diet, cancer, and
Collection of data: O. Bilovol, Y. Shaposhnikova, I. health study. Am J Med 2005;118:489-95.
Ilchenko, A. Shalimova 10. Murphy NF, MacIntyre K, Stewart S, Hart CL, Hole D, McMurray JJ.
Analysis and/or interpretation of data: O. Bilovol, Y. Long-term cardiovascular consequences of obesity: 20-year follow-
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Writing (not revising) all or sections of the manuscript: 11. Goette A, Staack T, Röcken C, Arndt M, Geller JC, Huth C, Ansorge
O. Bilovol, Y. Shaposhnikova, I. Ilchenko, A. Shalimova S, Klein HU, Lendeckel U. Increased expression of extracellular
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Supervision: O. Bilovol atria during atrial fibrillation. J Am Coll Cardiol 2000;35:1669-77.
12. Dzeshka MS, Lip GY, Snezhitskiy V, Shantsila E. Cardiac fibrosis in
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