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Wang et al.                                                                                                                                               Adipokines in metabolism, and cardiovascular system

           metabolism and this crosstalk can be realized by the   (HEK) 293T cells. However, the exact modification
           well-orchestrated secreted hormones. The newly     mechanisms are still under investigation [16] . In addition,
           discovered CTRPs family has profound significance   the two isoforms of CTRP12 differ from the oligomeric
           aiding better understanding of hormonal control of the   structure and are distinct in the regulation of function.
           energy homeostasis based upon the reports from the   Full length CTRP12 preferentially stimulates the Akt
           research group lead by Wong and other researchers in   signaling in adipocytes, whereas the globular form
           the last decade [11] . They discovered the contributions   activates the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase
           of various CTRPs hormones to whole-body glucose    signaling [16] . CTRP9, as a secreted glycoprotein, can
           and lipid metabolic regulation.                    be multiple post-translationally modified in multiple
                                                              ways in its collagen domain. However, since the
           CTRPs can dynamically modulate the response to     CTRP9 globular domain is closely similar to that of
           the alterations in short-term nutritional states or the   adiponectin, the interaction between CTRP9 and
           changes in long-term metabolic status. However,    adiponectin does not need their collagen domains
           the signaling pathways modulated by CTRPs are      and is independent of posttranslational modification to
           frequently disrupted by the metabolic perturbations of   activate the downstream signaling pathways [12] . Here,
           excess caloric uptake in obesity- and inflammation-  we highlight the characteristics of CTRPs and their
           induced disorders. Consequently, the hormone       isoforms; modification of CTRPs could account for the
           dysregulation leads to broad metabolic disorders   functional diversity of CTRPs.
           such as insulin resistance, diabetes, and obesity.
           Those disruptions include the alterations of structural   The circulating levels of CTRPs tend to fluctuate
           organization, and post-translational modifications of   according to sex, age, and alterations in the metabolic
           CTRPs.                                             states and are sensitive to different responses in
                                                              mammals. Reports have been made that CTRP6, a
           For CTRPs structural organization, it has been reported   protein with fundamentally different modes of action
           that all CTRPs form trimers, but accumulating reports   as opposed to other CTRPs characterized to date, is a
           reveal that CTRP3, CTRP5, CTRP9, CTRP6, CTRP8,     negative physiological regulator of glucose metabolism
           CTRP10, CTRP11, CTRP12, CTRP13 and CTRP15 can      in adipocytes, skeletal muscle and liver to control the
           further assemble into multimeric complexes mediated   systemic energy balance. Expression of CTRP6 is
           by the N-terminal Cysteine residues or with the aid of   upregulated in leptin deficient animals and increases
           oxidoreductase. Adiponectin, as an insulin sensitizer,   in diabetic animals . However, other researchers
           assembles with CTRP9 to form heterotrimers [12] , by   have reported that CTRP6 induces fatty acid oxidation
           which CTRP9 and adiponectin share the same receptor   in myocytes via AMPK activation [17] . These studies
           to exert their cardiovascular protective function [13] .   suggest that the newly discovered CTRPs still need
           In addition to forming the homo-oligomers, CTRP6/  to be investigated further in depth to understand
           CTRP1, CTRP7/CTRP2, and CTRP2/adiponectin form     their diverse functions. In addition, other CTRPs
           heterotrimers generating functionally distinct ligands   functional analysis reveals various roles of CTRPs.
           to provide new framework for the action of this family   CTRP2 exerts fatty acid oxidation and glycogen
           of secreted glycoproteins in normal and diseases   deposition in myotubes [18] . CTRP1 transcript levels are
           states . CTRP9 has 2 isoforms 9A and 9B, whereas   augmented by rosiglitazone in mice, which enhance
           CTRP9B requires physical interaction with CTRP9A   the insulin sensitizing action on the skeletal muscle via
           and adiponectin for completing its function [14] . CTRP8   activation of the AMPK and Akt pathways [19] . CTRP3
           in addition to forming homotrimers, forms heteromeric   can be a secreted plasma hormone and regulates
           complexes with CTRP1, CTRP9 and CTRP10. It         hepatic gluconeogenesis. The metabolic regulatory
           effectively activates GPCR relaxin/insulin like family   action of CTRP3 is the downregulation of its plasma
           peptide receptor (RXFP1 receptor) to enhance the   concentration which indicates that CTRP3 has a
           motility of the glioblastoma through regulating the   significant role in regulation of the lipid metabolism
           activity of cathepsin B [15] .                     although the exact mechanism has not yet been
                                                              established. However, CTRP3 deficiency reduces the
           CTRPs, as secreted hormones are subjected to       liver size which indicates that its target organ appears
           multiple functionally relevant post-translational   to be the liver. Additionally, reduced circulating level
           modifications at their highly conserved residues.   of CTRP3 alters the inflammatory responses in the
           CTRP12 is glycosylated on the 39th Asparagine      obese animals and the short-term daily administration
           amino acid and the 85th Cysteine modified with     of CTRP3 in diet-induced obese mice has been
           oligosaccharides which mediates the assembly of    sufficient to improve the fatty liver phenotype, as
           oligomeric structure in human embryonic kidney     evidenced by the suppressed triglyceride content and

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