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Calvo et al.                                                                                                                                                              Omega-3 fatty acids in cardiovascular health

           membrane  of erythrocytes leads to a decrease  in   concentrations due to its effect in NCX activity in the cell
           the negative charge of the membrane, with reduced   membrane. [112]  In addition, it has been demonstrated
           phospholipid  fluidity,  activation  of  the  synthesis  of   that the Na /K ATPase activation  modulates  the
           proinflammatory eicosanoids, and increased  sensitivity   function of L-type Ca  channels, which causes
           of arterial  smooth muscle  cells  to vasoconstrictive   a greater release  of calcium by the sarcoplasmic
           effects. [103,104]                                 reticulum and higher intracellular Ca  gradients during
                                                              systole, increasing contraction strength. [113]
           Myocardial function
           Reports from different human and animal models have   Cardiac arrhythmia
           demonstrated that n-3 PUFAs improve left ventricular   Several studies have reported an association between
           inotropic  function, without  causing  hypertrophy   n-3 PUFA intake  and  a lower  risk of CVD-related
           or increase in blood pressure. [105]  The  underlying   death,  specifically  from  ischemic  events,  where  the
           mechanism involves an increase in the activity of myosin   myocardium is more prone to suffer irregularities in its
           ATPase and Na /K   ATPase, and the expression  of   electric activity that can lead to sudden death. [114,115]
           Ca  ATPase in the sarcoplasmic reticulum, which are
           associated with positive inotropism, and maintenance   Myocardial  cells at the border  of the ischemic  zone
           of intra-sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium concentration   have a relatively depolarized resting potential and can
           and the sodium  calcium  exchanger  (NCX). [106,107]   potentially generate ventricular fibrillation because of
           Furthermore, an indirect effect is achieved  through   how easily they can be excited. [114]  Because of this, an
           an increase in ventricular efficiency, which is defined   elevation in n-3 PUFAs stabilizes the high excitability
           as the production of the highest ejection volume with   of these partially  depolarized  cells  in the ischemic
           the lowest possible  oxygen  consumption,  and the   myocardium. This prevents spontaneous or premature
           decrease in blood pressure. [108]   This is possible due   depolarization, [116]   resulting in  a longer refractory
           to the incorporation of DHA in the cell membrane, [109]   period and an increase in the voltage needed for the
           influencing   the   eicosanoids   mechanism   and   cellular depolarization. [117-120]   More  specifically,  n-3
           modulating cellular Ca  and its signaling pathways. [110]    PUFAs  can inhibit voltage-dependent  Na ,  K   and
           On the other hand, it has also been attributed to the   Ca   channels,  as well as Na /Ca   exchangers and
           shortening in the monophasic action potential due to   Ca -activated  K  channels. [121]  Consequently, these
           the suppression of ATP-dependent K  channels in the   changes lower membrane excitability, [122]  translating to
           sarcolemma. [111]                                  a net membrane-stabilizing effect. [116,123]
           Another proposed mechanism is the increase in the   Finally,  an antiarrhythmic mechanism has been
           Na /K +  ATPase    activity,  which  boosts  Na    implicated in the role that n-3 PUFAs play in autonomic
           concentrations,  diminishing  the intracellular  Ca    control, by increasing  the vagal tone. [124,125]  Recent

           Figure 5: Role of polyunsaturated fatty acids in hypertension. n3-PUFAs intervene in blood regulation through the following pathways: (1)
           conversion into prostaglandins via the cyclooxygenase pathway, causing vasodilation of the smooth muscle in arterial walls; (2) inhibition
           of ACE, reducing the synthesis of AT-II, thus leading to a decrease in blood pressure; (3) promotion of cytochrome P450 isoforms such
           as CYP1A1, which contributes to the activation of eNOS, increasing the bioavailability of nitric oxide and thus causing vasodilation; (4)
           incorporation into the lipid matrix of the erythrocyte membrane, where they lead to a an increase, and a decrease in the sensitivity of arterial
           smooth muscle cells to vasoconstrictive effects. ACE: angiotensin-converting enzyme; AT-II: angiotensin II; eNOS: endothelial nitric oxide
           synthase; PUFA: polyunsaturated fatty acids
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