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Calvo et al.                                                                                                                                                              Omega-3 fatty acids in cardiovascular health

           These  TAG-lowering  mechanisms are accompanied    factors for CVD has been widely recognized along with
           by a secondary decrease of VLDL-C: in vitro studies   the role of n-3 PUFAs on its management.  However,
           have described  PUFA-mediated   activation  of non-  recent  findings  have  shown  that  maintaining  normal
           proteosomal degradation of apolipoprotein B (Apo B).   blood pressure (BP) levels even in non-hypertensive
           This protein, found in the membrane of chylomicrons,   individuals significantly lowers the incidence of CVD,
           LDL-C and VLDL-C, allows  the transport of lipids   representing  important evidence for the use of n-3
           towards peripheral tissues. [80]  Activation of this pathway   PUFAs as a powerful  preventive  intervention. [93]
           results in the selective degradation of the Apo B which   A recent study by Huang  et al. [94]  on 1,154 Chinese
           would have been integrated into naïve VLDL, thus   adults  found  hypertensive  subjects  to have  lower
           reducing liver secretion of this lipoprotein. [81,82]  plasma PUFA  concentrations when compared to
                                                              healthy counterparts.  This echoes the results of  a
           Several randomized studies have shown that PUFAs   previous  study on 447 Eskimo people,  where  both
           also  contribute to a slight  increase  of high  density   high dietary intake and elevated plasma levels of n-3
           lipoprotein  (HDL-C), ranging between 2.3-7.9% for   PUFAs were associated with lower levels of diastolic
           EPA, and 2.9-18.3% for DHA.  [83,84]  PUFA-mediated   blood pressure. [95]
           reduction of cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP)
           activity may be accountable for this effect, as it would   PUFAs may regulate BP through various mechanisms,
           lead to a decrease in the net flow of cholesterol esters   most powerfully through conversion into vasodilator
           from  HDL-C to  LDL-C and VLDL-C. Recent  in vitro   PG and promotion of renin release from the kidney. [96]
           studies also suggest PUFAs to be regulators of CETP   Moreover,  it  has been demonstrated that  a diet
           and apolipoprotein A1 gene expression. [85,86]     rich in n3-PUFAs suppresses  the activity of the
                                                              angiotensin-converting  enzyme,    reduces   the
           On the other hand, the effects that PUFAs exert on   formation of  angiotensin  II,  improves the generation
           LDL-C are yet to be defined. A study on adult women   of eNO (endothelial nitric oxide) and suppresses the
           by Ooi  et al. [87]  where the effects  of diets with high   expression  of  TGF-β. [97]  Recently,  in murine models
           and  low  fish  intake  (1.23  g/day  and  0.27  g/day  of   with angiotensin II-dependent HTN, the combination of
           EPA and DHA,  respectively) were assessed showed   a soluble epoxide hydrolase inhibitor along with a diet
           a non-significant decrease in serum LDL-C levels for   rich in n3-PUFAs was tested, showing higher levels of
           both  diets.  However,  significantly  lower  Apo-B100   EPA and DHA epoxides and a reduction of inflammatory
           concentration, greater LDL-C  Apo-B100 production   markers in the kidney (PGs and MCP-1), contributing
           rate and higher conversion  percentage  of  TAG-rich   to a decrease in systolic BP and inflammation. [98]
           lipoproteins (TRL) into LDL-C were reported in high fish
           intake diets. Other studies have reported that EPA and   Various  cytochrome P450  (CYP) isoforms have  also
           DHA supplement intake considerably increases LDL-C   been  identified  in  the  physiological  production  of
           levels when compared to placebo and EPA-exclusive   active metabolites of AA, EPA and DHA as alternative
           intake. [88]  However, recent evidence suggest that EPA   substrates. [99]  In this context,  Agbor  et al. [100]
           as opposed  to DHA has more prominent  effects on   demonstrated  the contribution  of isoform CYP1A1
           LDL in patients with hyper-TG due to its antioxidant   tothe metabolism of n3-PUFAs,  and the activation
           properties in various  Apo B-containing  proteins, [89]   of endothelial nitric oxide synthase and consequent
           improving secondarily  endothelial  function and   increase innitric oxide (NO) bioavailability associated
           inflammatory profile. [90]  Studies in animals suggest that   with a diet rich in n3-PUFAs [Figure 5].
           very high intake of PUFAs of marine origin increases
           the union of the TRL to the endothelial LPL, prolonging   Furthermore, a study by Hoshi et al. [101]  exposed the
           the interaction period  and  thus resulting  in  a boost   activation of large conductance Ca -activated  K
           of LDL-C formation. Furthermore, very high intake of   channels by DHA, through a fast and reversible stimulus
           n-3 PUFAs has been found to boost the production of   independent of Ca  concentration. However, the exact
           smaller TRL with less amount of Apo-E, which show a   bonding site remains to be identified. The activation of
           tendency to convert into LDL-C; [91]  as well as increase   these channels in smooth muscle cells allows passive
           the expression of hepatic LDL-C receptors, amplifying   K  efflux, which translates into the hyperpolarization of
           its catabolism. [92]  Indeed,  the effects of PUFAs on   the cell membrane and thus its hypotensive effect. [102]
           LDL-C  levels  appear  to  significantly  vary  across
           specific PUFA types and quantity. [88,89]          On  the  other  hand,  modifications  in  fatty  acid
                                                              composition in  the  lipid matrix  of  the  cell membrane
           Hypertension                                       play an important role in  the  pathogenesis of
           The role of HTN as one of the main independent risk   hypertension. [103]   A decrease of PUFAs in the cell
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