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Calvo et al.                                                                                                                                                              Omega-3 fatty acids in cardiovascular health

           that  of  the Danish population.  Thus,  environmental   expressed in adipose tissue and skeletal muscle. [73]
           factors - namely dietary n-3 PUFA intake - may exert a   When PPAR-α is activated by specific substrates like
           preponderant impact on serum lipids. [68]          PUFAs, it favors the synthesis of enzymes involved
                                                              in lipid catabolism. [74]   Therefore, n-3 PUFA intake
           Among these actions on lipid metabolism, the  TAG-  promotes the β-oxidation of fatty acids in peripheral
           lowering effect has been found to be the most robust in   tissues, which contributes to the catabolism of
           large epidemiological studies; [69]  however, it appears to   circulating  TAG in chylomicrons and VLDL-C.  This
           be largely modifiable by the overall dietary composition,   results  in  diminished  traffic  of  non-esterified  fatty
           as elevated carbohydrate and saturated fat intake may   acids to hepatocytes, causing an additional reduction
           surpass the effect of n-3 PUFAs due to increased TAG   in the input of substrates for TAG synthesis, further
           synthesis and storage. [69,70]  In addition, the magnitude   decreasing the hepatic production of VLDL-C. [72]
           of the lipid-lowering effect of n-3 PUFAs depends on
           each subject’s basal serum lipid  levels, as greater   Additionally, PUFAs downregulate the sterol regulatory
           decreases are observed in subjects with higher TAG   element-binding  protein  1c (SREBP1c), which
           levels. [70,71]                                    modulates  the expression  of genes  involved  in the
                                                              synthesis of  fatty  acids and  TAG. [75,76]   PUFAs  inhibit
           The mechanisms by which n-3 PUFAs achieve          SREBP1c activity in the liver by antagonizing  the
           these effects on  TAG are related to the decrease   liver  X receptor  alpha,  a nuclear  receptor  found  in
           of their hepatic synthesis via competitive inhibition   hepatocytes that  regulates the  synthesis of  SREBP
           of the enzymes involved, especially 1,2 diglyceride   and the SREBP inhibitor protein. [77,78]  Another reported
           acyltransferase, which catalyzes the conversion    genetic  mechanism  is the ability  of PUFAs to inhibit
           of diacylglycerides into  TAG. [72]  In addition, PUFAs   the hepatic maturation of the carbohydrate-responsive
           have high affinity for several peroxisome proliferator-  element-binding protein, a transcription factor related
           activated  receptor  (PPAR)  subtypes,  particularly   to the expression  of enzymes involved  in  TAG
           PPAR-α,  a  nuclear  transcription  factor  highly   synthesis [79]  [Figure 4].

           Figure 4: Role of polyunsaturated fatty acids in triacylglyceride metabolism. PUFAs decrease TAG through various mechanisms: (1)
           competitive inhibition of DAT; (2) activating PPAR-a, which promotes the transcription of enzymes involved in lipolysis and fatty acid
           transport; (3) suppressing the activity of SREBP-1c which regulates the expression of genes involved in fatty acid and TAG synthesis.
           PUFA: polyunsaturated fatty acid; DAT: 1,2 diglyceride acyltransferase; TAG: triacylglycerides; PPAR-a: peroxisome-proliferator activated
           receptor alpha; RXR: retinoid X receptor; LXR-a: liver X receptor alpha; SREBP-1c: sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1c; SCAP:
           SREBP inhibitor protein; PPRE: PPAR response elements
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