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Calvo et al.                                                                                                                                                              Omega-3 fatty acids in cardiovascular health

           INTRODUCTION                                       chain are called PUFAs, which are classified in 2 main
                                                              subgroups: n-6 long chain PUFAs  (n-6 LC-PUFAs)
           Cardiovascular disease (CVD) represents an ongoing   and n-3 long chain PUFAs  (n-3 LC-PUFAs),  which
           global  epidemic.  In 2014, 27.6 million  people  were   are commonly  referred  to as omega-6  and  omega-3
           diagnosed with CVD worldwide,  and by 2030, it may   PUFAs, respectively. [17]  The former are LA derivatives
           be responsible for up to 23.5 million deaths yearly. [2]   with 2 double bonds, which are located 6 carbons away
           These trends are common in all westernized countries,   from the methyl end (18:2Ω6); whereas n-3 LC-PUFAs
           including  Latin  America. In  Venezuela, 29.47% of   derive from ALA and have 3 double bonds, with the first
           all mortality was attributed to  CVD in 2012.   Given   one being in the third carbon of the chain (18:3Ω3) [18,19]
           the heavy burden CVD represents for  public health   [Figure 1].
           systems, prevention  has become  a key component
           in clinical  practice and research, oriented  to the   Metabolism and general biologic functions of
           identification and management of several risk factors,   essential PUFAs
           both  modifiable  and  non-modifiable.  Regarding   The metabolism of both types of PUFAs ends in
           modifiable  risk  factors,  westernized  dietary  patterns,   the formation of eicosanoids, which are biologically
           notable for their high intake of dairy products, refined   active compounds including prostaglandins (PGs),
           carbohydrates and saturated fats, have been strongly   thromboxanes (TXs) and leukotrienes (LTs). [18]
           linked  with the development of not only CVD, but   As shown in  Figure 1, arachidonic acid (AA) is
           also hypertension (HTN), obesity and type 2 diabetes   synthetized  from  LA  (n-6),  and  is  converted  by  the
           mellitus. [5-7]                                    action of cyclooxygenase (COX) and lipoxygenase
                                                              (LOX) into 2-series PGs and TXs and 4-series LTs and
           In 1980, Bang et al.  studied the diet of the Eskimo   lipoxines. Although these mediators intervene in both
           population of Greenland, characterized by high intake   the establishment and resolution of the inflammatory
           of foods rich in long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids   response, their net effect is predominantly pro-
           (LC-PUFAs), and paradoxically found a low incidence   inflammatory. [19,20]  In contrast, ALA (n-3) is a precursor
           of  CVD  in these individuals.  From  these pioneer   of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic
           studies, different  epidemiological  and interventional   acid (DHA), from  which 3-series  PGs  and  TXs,
           investigations have backed the cardioprotective role of   as well as 5-series LTs, lipoxins, resolvins and
           n-3 LC-PUFAs. [10,11]                              neuroprotectins are derived. These compounds have
                                                              chiefly  anti-inflammatory  effects, [17]   which  is  why
           Although  many  beneficial  CV  effects  have  been   current nutritional guidelines are oriented towards an
           ascribed   to  PUFAs,    including  hypolipidemic,  increase in n-3 PUFAs intake. [21-24]  Furthermore, the
           antithrombotic,  antihypertensive  and  antiarrhythmic   products of both series mediate the regulation of other
           properties, [12,13]  the underlying molecular mechanisms   physiological  processes,  such  as  the  maintenance
           remain to be elucidated. This review aims to offer an   of cell membrane architecture, especially through
           integrated  state-of-the-art vision into the structure of   their arrangement in lipid rafts, [25,26]  and play a role
           PUFAs and their functions in the CV system.        in hemostasis and vasoconstriction, which are further
                                                              explained ahead. [18,27]
                                                              Role of PUFAs in cell membrane maintenance
           Structure and classification                       The long hydrocarbon chains and double bonds in EPA
           Fatty acids are molecules consisting of a long linear   and  DHA  exert  modifications  on  the  cell  membrane
           hydrocarbon chain that  generally contains a pair   due to their length and degree of unsaturation.
           number  of carbon  atoms between  12 and  24, with   These molecules have been demonstrated  to
           a carboxyl (-COOH) group in one end and a methyl   increase  membrane  fluidity  and  modify  the  size  and
           (-CH3) group in the other. [14]  They are termed saturated   distribution of lipid rafts  in aortic endothelial  cells
           fatty acids when only simple bonds exist between the   and rat lymphocyte cultures. [29,30]  Lipid rafts  are
           carbon  atoms, while  those that have  one or more   dynamic membrane microdomains containing sterols,
           double bonds are known as unsaturated fatty acids. [15]    enriched  sphingolipids  and  specific  binding  proteins,
           The latter  include widely recognized  nutritionally   which attain a  metastable resting state  through a
           essential molecules  for humans and other animal   constellation  of  lipid-lipid,  protein-lipid  and protein-
           species, including linoleic acid (LA) and α-linoleic acid   protein bonds. [31]  Incorporation of n-3 PUFAs in lipid
           (ALA). [16]                                        rafts results in decreased cholesterol and sphingolipids
                                                              in these microdomains. [32]  This has been confirmed by
           Fatty acids with more than one double bond in their   systematic studies in membrane models that suggest
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