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Calvo et al.                                                                                                                                                              Omega-3 fatty acids in cardiovascular health

           cholesterol to be incompatible with environments   MOLECULAR MECHANISMS OF PUFAS IN
           rich in highly unsaturated lipids, as observed in   CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH
           phospholipid bilayers containing DHA. [33]
                                                              Chronic pro-inflammatory states
           Most  of  the  research  on  n-3  PUFAs  in  membrane   The anti-inflammatory effects of n-3 PUFAs have been
           models has centered around DHA. [34]  This molecule   widely reported. [37-40]  One of the central mechanisms
           is  deemed  unique  because  it  contains  six  double   is the down-regulation  of the synthesis  of pro-
           bonds and is very flexible, with quick rearrangements   inflammatory cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor
           amidst     multiple   conformational    states. [29]    alpha, interleukin  6 and monocyte chemoattractant
           Spectrometry studies have revealed DHA-containing   protein-1 (MCP-1) [41-44]  in adipose tissue. This occurs
           phospholipids to  form  their own domains with  a   when EPA  and DHA  bind to  the G-protein coupled
           different arrangement in presence of sphingolipids   receptor (GPR120) in macrophages  and adipocytes,
           and  cholesterol,  excluding  saturated  acyl  chains   causing  its activation and internalization  with
           from their structure. [35]  In addition, because n-3   β-arrestin-2,  and  forming  the  GPR120/β-arrestine-2
           PUFAs tend to reject cholesterol, DHA-containing   complex. [45]  This complex is then dissociated into the
           phospholipids tend to create non-raft domains which   transforming  growth  factor  beta  (TGF-β)  activated
           may  be  physically  separated  on  cell  membranes.   kinase 1 binding protein 1 (TAB1) that results in the
           This allows proteins to more readily occupy a space   inhibition  of  TGF-β  activated  kinase  1  (TAK1),  and
           according to its requirements in a specific domain or   thus the down-regulation of the nuclear factor kappa
           in amplified rafts. [36]  An alternative model points out   B (NF-ĸB) and the inhibition of its function. [44]  Besides,
           that n-3 PUFAs are probably incorporated in the rafts   the incorporation  of DHA to the lipid  membrane
           as  nanodomains,  forcing  cholesterol  out  of  rafts. [26]    disrupts the signaling of toll-like receptor 4 (TLR-4) by
           This model is also applicable to proteins within lipid   impeding its translocation to the lipid raft, and inhibiting
           rafts, where incorporation of n-3 PUFAs into lipid rafts   the  signaling  pathway  of  MD2/TRIAP-MyD88/IRAK-
           forces proteins to relocate to non-raft domains. [26]    TRAF6/IKKβ [41,46,47]   [Figure 2].  Also,  EPA  and DHA
           Further research is required to fully understand the   cause  the down-regulation  of nicotinamide  adenine
           biologic importance and mechanisms underlying      dinucleotide  phosphateoxidase, which induces the
           the lateral organization of lipid microdomains in cell   production of reactive oxygen species, a requirement
           membranes, as well as the modulatory effects of n-3   for TLR-4 signaling. [41,42]  These pathways converge in
           PUFAs in this context. [32]                        the inhibition of NF-ĸB, diminishing the inflammatory

            PGE 2 ,

           Figure 1: Metabolism of n-6 and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids are derived from linoleic acid
           (LA) and a-linoleic acid (ALA). Through various enzymatic reactions, LA is converted into arachidonic acid, responsible of the formation of
           mainly proinflammatory PG and TX. On the other hand, ALA is converted into EPA and DHA, which derive into mostly antiinflammatory PG
           and TX. PGE2: prostaglandin E2; PGD2: prostaglandin D2; PGF2a: prostaglandin F2a; PGI2: prostacyclin I2; PGE3: prostaglandin E3;
           PGI3: prostacyclin I3; TX: thromboxanes; LT: leukotrienes
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