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Alipov et al.                                                                                                                                                        Difference between native and desialylated LDL

           considered as a possible mechanism of macrophage   modified  LDL  and  lipoprotein-containing  immune
           down-regulation. [14]                              complexes (LDL-CIC) in the plasma. Immunoglobulin G
                                                              (IgG) antibodies with high affinity for in vitro desialylated
           While some studies found no differences in lipid peroxide   and  malondialdehyde-modified  LDL  were  detected
           content between native and desialylated LDL, [73]  Others   in patients with angiographically assessed coronary
           reported that desialylation may cause both an increase   atherosclerosis. On the other hand these antibodies
           and decrease in susceptibility to oxidation depending   have  low  affinity  for  native,  glycated,  acetylated,  and
           on LDL density and hyperlipidemia type. [74,75]  Small   LDL with other chemical modifications. [83]  It was shown
           dense LDL in type IIa hyperlipidemia was the most   that  IgG  (subclasses  G1,  G3)  against  modified  LDL
           susceptible to oxidation. [75]  Increased lipid peroxidation   have pro-atherogenic properties, while IgM antibodies
           was found in desialylated LDL. [76]  Another study showed   are atheroprotective. [14,84]  In 2013 Montano [85]  and
           that LDL sialic acid levels negatively correlates with   colleagues  showed  that  monoclonal  anti-oxLDL
           thiobarbituric acid reactive substances and suggested   IgM  (E06)  inhibited  oxLDL  binding  to  macrophages
           that reactive oxygen substances may affect enzymatic   in a dose dependent  manner.  Studies on LDL-
           desialylation in vivo. [77]  It was suggested that a plasma   CIC  discovered  that  LDL  in  these  complexes  had
           enzyme called trans-sialidase is the possible cause of   atherogenic modifications, particularly LDL were small
           LDL desialylation in blood plasma. [78]            dense and had decreased sialic acid content. LDL-CIC
                                                              stimulated lipid accumulation in cultured cells unlike
           DESIALYLATION AND IMMUNE RESPONSE                  nLDL. [86]  Recent studies showed that IgG and LDL-
                                                              CIC removal from patient sera reduced its atherogenic
           Sialic acids belong to a group of N- or O- derivatives   activity. [83]  Level of  LDL-CIC is used in diagnosis,
           of   neuraminic  acid.  N-acetylneuraminic  acid   prognosis and in several therapeutic approaches in
           (Neu5AC) is the most common type found in humans.   CVD patients. [14,83,84]
           Neu5AC is typically found at the terminal position of
           ganglioside  glycan  chains  in  the  cellular  glycocalyx.   CONCLUSION
           Sialic acids  are involved in cell-cell interactions,
           including those between immune cells. Neu5AC refers   Sialic  acid  level  is  decreased  in  atherogenic  LDL
                                                              and negatively correlates with triglyceride and
           to a self-associated molecular patterns (SAMPs)    cholesterol level in LDL. Desialylated LDL are small,
           group because of their ability to suppress innate   dense  and  highly  susceptible  to  peroxidation  in
           and adaptive autoimmune response.  [79]   Sialic-acid-  several hyperlipidemia types. Desialylation results in
           binding immunoglobulin-like lectins (Siglecs) form   atherogenic changes because of increased cholesterol
           a group of  immune cell receptors  that  participate   intake in macrophages and smooth-muscle cells and
           in the discrimination of “self” and “non-self” through   is also associated with other pathologies, such as
           recognition of cell glycan ligands. Macrophages have   diabetes mellitus.
           sialoadhesin (CD169), so-called Siglec-1, and B-cells
           have CD22, so-called Siglec-2. Studies on human    DECLARATIONS
           immune cells discovered 14 members of  the Siglec
           family. Siglec receptor binding with host-specific sialic   Authors’ contributions
           acid provides negative regulation or even apoptosis in   Analysis of literature, writing a draft: V.I. Alipov
           immune cells. For example, in B-cells activation of CD22   Editing, writing a draft: V.N. Sukhorukov
           pathway leads to activation of Src homology region   Table and figures: V.P. Karagodin
           2 domain-containing phosphatase-1 (SHP-1), which   Consultation: A.V. Grechko
           suppresses the activation of B-cell receptor (BCR). [80]    English improvement: A.N. Orekhov
           Recent study showed that sialic acid binding domain
           mutations of Siglec-G resulted in decreased B-cell   Financial support and sponsorship
           activation threshold. [81]  Dysfunction of Siglec receptor
           interactions with sialic acid is associated with various   This work was supported by Russian Science
           autoimmune diseases. [79,80]  Lack of sialoadhesin in   Foundation (Grant # 14-15-00112).
           macrophages causes activation of scavenger receptors   Conflicts of interest
           and phagocytosis. [79-82]  In atherosclerosis, decreased
           sialic acid content in desialylated LDL might result in   The authors declare that they have no competing
           increased cholesterol intake and inflammation through   interests.
           macrophage and B-cell activation.
                                                              Patient consent
           Patients with various CVD have antibodies against   Not applicable.
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