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Alipov et al.                                                                                                                                                        Difference between native and desialylated LDL

           Currently, a high level of LDL cholesterol (LDL-C)   could accumulate in endothelial cells, monocytes, and
           is considered as a risk factor for CVD in clinical   lymphocytes through binding to scavenger receptors,
           practice,  and  various  treatment  options  (e.g.  statins)   such as platelet-activating factor receptor (PAF), lectin-
           are used to decrease it. [5,6]  However, simple reduction   like  oxidized  LDL  receptors  (LOX-1),  and  scavenger
           of blood cholesterol level is not sufficient for effective   receptor A (SRA). [17,18]  T-lymphocyte receptors (TCR)
           atherosclerosis prevention. Moreover, this approach   and CD14 are also involved in conveying LDL(-)
           was demonstrated not to be efficient in several clinical   biological  effects. [19]   It’s  worth  mentioning  that  nLDL
           studies. [7,8]   The  main  drawback  of  statin therapy  is   binding with oxidized forms of hemoglobin may cause
           the presence of several severe side-effects, such as   changes in conformation and chemical composition of
           statin-associated muscle symptoms, diabetes mellitus,   nLDL apolipoproteins. [20]  High intracellular lipid level and
           and central nervous system disorders.  During the   activation of receptor pathways may result in cytotoxicity
           last decade, molecular mechanisms of atherosclerosis   and the release of inflammatory cytokines. [21-24]  On the
           have become a subject of intensive research aimed at   other hand, recent studies showed that LDL(-) had
           improving the clinical outcomes and developing novel   an  ability  to  induce  anti-inflammatory  cytokines  [e.g.
           therapies.                                         interleukin-10  (IL-10)]  and  counteract  inflammatory
                                                              effects promoted by lipopolysaccharides. [19,25]  In that
           MODIFIED LDL AND ATHEROSCLEROSIS                   regard, the atherogenic role of LDL(-) needs further
                                                              investigation. However, multiple studies confirmed that
           Numerous studies have revealed that LDL subtypes   high LDL(-) level was a risk factor for CVD, which might
           form  a  heterogeneous  group  with  different  chemical   be connected with other LDL(-) modifications, such as
           and physical properties. Several types and subclasses   desialylation and oxidation. [16,26-28]
           of circulating LDL have different atherogenic effects.
           According  to  the  widely  accepted  classification,  the   Lipoprotein (a) [Lp(a)] differs from LDL only by the
           following LDL subtypes can be distinguished: small   presence of apoplipoprotein (a) bound to apolipoprotein
           (dense),  medium  and  large  LDL.  Dense  LDL  [with   B-100 (apoB-100) via a disulfide bridge. Lp(a) is normally
           density (d) 1.044-1.060 g/mL] is considered to be   present in the blood, and its plasma concentrations
           the most atherogenic. Particles of this LDL subtype   range from 1 to 1,000 mg/dL. High levels of Lp(a) are
           differ  in  size from  15 to 20  nm.  For  large LDL  (d.   associated with some pathologies. For instance, Lp(a)
           1.019-1.034 g/mL), mean particle size is 22 nm (up   level increased within 24 h after acute myocardial
           to 30 nm). Medium LDL (d. 1.034-1.044 g/mL) has a   infarction, and its transient increase accompanied acute
           particle size in between small and large LDL. [10]  An   and  chronic  inflammatory  processes. [29,30]  Lp(a) gene
           early study by Filipovic [11]  and co-authors showed   polymorphism was associated with the incidence of
           that LDL modification enhanced cholesterol intake by   cerebral vascular accident of large vessels, peripheral
           cultured  cells.  Subsequently,  naturally  modified  LDL   arterial  disease,  and  abdominal  aorta  aneurysm. [31]
           types were found in human blood. [11,12]  During the   Lp(a) level also correlated with IL-6, tumor necrosis
           past decades, numerous studies confirmed that LDL   factor  alpha  (TNF-α),  transforming  growth  factor
           modifications,  such  as  oxidation,  desialylation  and   beta (TGF-β), and monocyte chemoattractant protein
           enzymatic processing, play a key role in increasing   (MCP-1) levels. [32]  In Korean population, patients with
           cholesterol intake, and the level of multiple modified   high Lp(a) level had higher CVD risk and worse disease
           LDL correlates with the risk of CVD. [13,14]       course. [33]  A Danish prospective study of 9,000 subjects
                                                              revealed that extremely high plasma Lp(a) level (over
           Other  types  of  lipoproteins  that  are  distinguished  in   120 mg/dL) increased CVD risk 4-fold. [34]  On the other
           some studies are electronegative LDL [LDL(-)] and   hand, multiple prospective studies showed that a high
           lipoprotein (a) [Lp(a)]. The former subclass includes   Lp(a)  level was  not  an independent  risk  factor  for
           modified  LDL  with  increased  negative  charge,  which   cardiovascular or cerebrovascular diseases. [29,35]
           accounts for 3-5% of the total LDL in normolipidemic
           subjects. Several studies on LDL(-) showed that    CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF LDL
           it  represents  a  heterogeneous  group  of  particles
           with  various  chemical  modifications  (oxidation,   Non-modified, or nLDL, particle contains apolipoprotein
           glycosylation,  non-esterified  fatty-acid  enrichment,   B-100 (apoB-100) molecule, about  90 molecules of
           desialylation,  and  enzymatic  modification)  that  share   other regulatory proteins, a phospholipid monolayer,
           the common feature of increased electronegativity.   and  a hydrophobic  core,  which  accounts  for  75%
           Electronegative LDL is characterized by an enhanced   of LDL particle weight. [36]  LDL contains proteins
           ability to aggregate and is more susceptible to oxidation   regulating apoB-100 metabolism and lipid transport
           than native LDL (nLDL). [15,16]  It was found that LDL(-)   [apolipoprotein C-II (apoC-II), apoC-III, apoE, apoA-I,

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