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Alipov et al.                                                                                                                                                        Difference between native and desialylated LDL

           Chemical  composition  of  oxLDL  is  characterized  by   GLYCATED LDL
           1.5  to  2  fold  decreased  levels  of  antioxidants,  such
           as  coenzyme  Q10,  tocopherols,  β-carotene,  and   Glycation of LDL occurs due to non-enzymatic reaction
           lycopene, and increased content of oxidation products.   of glucose and its metabolites with free amino groups
           Intense oxidation of fatty acids, cholesterol and other   of apoB-100 lysine. This process is highly intensive in
           lipids  leads  to  accumulation  of  13-hydroperoxylinoleic   patients with diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome
           acid   and   other   peroxides,   hydroxides   (e.g.   because  of  the  high  glucose  blood  level. [66]   In  non-
           13-hydroxylinoleic  acid),  prostaglandin  derivatives   diabetic patients, 4.8% of apoB-100 is glycated compared
           (isoprostanes), various aldehydes (malondialdehyde,   to 14.8% of total apoB glycated in patients with type II
           oxovaleryl   phosphatidylcholine,   hexanal,   etc.),   diabetes. It was demonstrated that small-dense LDL is
           lysophosphatidylcholine, 7-keto-cholesterol, various   more susceptible to glycation in patients with metabolic
           hydrocarbons,  including  pentane,  and  modified   syndrome and type II diabetes than nLDL. [67]  Glycation
           phosphatidyl ethanolamine/serine products. Products   makes  LDL  more  sensitive  to  oxidation.  Formation
           of  protein  oxidation  include:  protein  carbonyls,  non-  of  glycated  LDL and other advanced glycation  end
           enzymatic proteolyzed fragments, arginine, cysteine,   products (AGEs) increases atherogenic properties
           modified  cysteine,  lysine,  histidine,  methionine,   of LDL and enhances lipid uptake by cultured aortic
           tyrosine, and tryptophan, protein cross-linking products   smooth-muscle cells. High concentration of AGEs
           due to tyrosine cross-links and bifunctional aldehydes,   leads to  activation  of the RAGE  receptor pathway,
           lipid-protein  adducts  which  can  be  classified  as   which  results  in  enhanced  expression  and  NF-κB-
           ceroids (lipofuscins). Many of the above mentioned   dependent  release  of  pro-inflammatory  molecules.
           modifications, as well as conformational changes, might   That, in turn, promotes vessel wall damage, endothelial
           lead to increased antigenicity. [62]  Lack of antioxidants   dysfunction, monocyte and macrophage migration and
           makes  oxLDL  susceptible  to  further  oxidation  and   recruitment to the vascular intima followed by oxidative
           apolipoprotein degradation. In the bloodstream, oxLDL   stress, vascular wall remodeling and atherosclerotic
           is characterized by high density and increased negative   lesion  progression. [68]   However,  recent  studies  on
           charge. A controlled study of LDL structural changes   diabetic patients showed that glycated LDL level was
           due to in vitro oxidation with copper ions showed similar   not an independent risk factor for CVD. At the same
           results.  Small-angle  X-ray  scattering  and  dynamic   time, patients with type I and II diabetes had a high level
           light scattering techniques revealed high density,   of small dense desialylated LDL particles with oxidative
           electrical charge, and increased degree of flexibility   modifications. [54]   Therefore,  glycation  makes  nLDL
           of the apoB-100. [63]   However,  oxidation  should  not   more susceptible to oxidation and enzymatic changes
           be considered as the key modification leading to LDL   and may be the first step atherogenic modification of
           electronegativity because the concentration of oxLDL   LDL in diabetic patients.
           in normolipidemic plasma is orders of magnitude lower
           than LDL(-) concentration. [17]                    DESIALYLATION IMPACT ON
                                                              ATHEROSCLEROSIS DEVELOPMENT
                                                              Under normal conditions, LDL lipid intake is controlled
           LDL(-)  chemical  composition  is  characterized  by   by  lipoprotein  receptors.  Modification  of  LDL,  such
           decreased  sialic  acid  and  antioxidant  content,   as  oxidation  and  desialylation,  allows  LDL  particles
           increased  triglycerides,  nonesterified  fatty  acids   to  escape  this  limitation  and  enter  arterial  cells  via
           (NEFA), lysophosphatidylcholine, and ceramide  levels   different pathways. Sialic acid provides LDL with
           compared to nLDL. [63,64]  LDL(-) is also distinguished by   negative charge, which protects the particle from
           phospholipolytic activities and abnormal apoB-100   binding to arterial proteoglycans. The increased ability
           conformation. [65]  In nLDL, apoB-100 has a pentameric   of enzymatically desialylated LDL to interact with
           structure  with  alternating  alpha  helixes  and  beta   proteoglycans was confirmed by Millar et al. [45]  However,
           pleated sheets.  In LDL(-),  apoB-100 has  less  alpha   small dense desialylated LDL are electronegative and
           helixes and more beta sheets, as well as an altered   can interact with macrophage lectin receptors, therefore
           pattern of exposed lysine residues that are involved in   mediating the lipid uptake. [68]  Increased cholesterol
           lipoprotein receptor binding interactions. Changes in   accumulation may also result from macrophage
           apoB-100 structure may be caused by oxidation and   scavenger receptor-mediated uptake followed by foam
           nitration. [65]  These chemical changes and presence   cell formation and macrophage cytokine release, which
           of electronegative charge in desialylated LDL makes   causes  inflammation  and  monocyte  migration  in  the
           it possible to suggest that these two fractions are   intima. [70-72]  Inhibition of Acyl-coenzyme A: cholesterol
           identical. [16]                                    acyltransferase activity by desialylated LDL is also
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