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Page 10 of 16                                          Tanikawa Plast Aesthet Res 2020;7:48  I

               Figure 9. A scatter plot matrix of the principal component (PC) scores in the Cleft and Control groups with a histogram in the diagonal
               cells. PCs 1-9 explain 90.5% of the shape variation across samples. Pink denotes facial configurations in the male Control group (male);
               green denotes those in the male Cleft group; red denotes those in the female Control group; and cyan denotes those in the female
               Cleft group. The PCs are defined as +1 SD (yellow) and -1 SD (blue) in the top column. For example, the top column indicates that a
               +1 SD value of PC2 represents a smaller facial height, which was represented as yellow (1 SD). The histogram shows that the bimodal
               distribution and female patients in the Cleft group (cyan) showed a greater PC2 value, suggesting that the female Cleft group had a
               smaller facial height

               In the vertical direction (y-axis), the position of the lower lip was significantly higher by approximately 4.5 mm
               in the Cleft group; however, the upper lip showed vertically normal position (P ≤ 0.001).

               In the antero-posterior direction (z-axis), the Cleft group showed significant retrusion of the nose, cheek,
               upper lip, and lower lip in comparison to the Control group at rest, by approximately 2.5-4.5 mm (P ≤ 0.001).
               On the other hand, the nasal alar at the cleft side showed no differences between two groups, indicating
               nasal alar at the cleft side was flattened.

               Morphological variation of the Cleft group
               The first nine significant PCs, which explained 90% of the sample’s variance, were determined to be
               significant by a scree plot analysis [Figures 9 and 10]. Based on the principal component regression
               analysis, PC3 (weight = 0.39), PC6 (0.36), PC4 (0.35), and PC2 (0.34) were extracted as important features
               to discriminate the Cleft and Control groups. Visualization of the between-group structure of the surface
               data revealed that PC3 was characterized by midfacial retrusion, well-developed nasal bone, and chin
               protrusion, and the Cleft group showed greater PC3 values (P < 0.001). PC6 was characterized by retrusion
               of the nose, upper lip, and lower lip, and the Cleft group showed a greater PC6 value (P < 0.000). PC4 was
               characterized by the retrusion of the cheek, eyes, and upper lip, and the Cleft group showed a greater PC4
               value than the Control group. PC2 was characterized by a vertically short face. The Cleft group showed
               greater PC2 values, indicating that the patients in the Cleft group showed vertically shorter faces.
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