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Liu et al.                                                                                                                                                                                Adipogenesis of obital fat stem cells

                      A                                       B

           Figure 1: Representative HE staining images of the orbital fat samples from young donors (A) and middle-aged donors (B). The adipocytes
           were smaller and fibrous structure appeared looser in (B) than those in (A) (scale bar: 100 µm)

                      A                                       B

           Figure 2: The colony formation of orbital adipose-derived stem cells was determined at day 7 in the primary culture. Compared to middle-
           aged donors (B), both the colony number and the cell number within each colony were greater in young donors (A) (scale bar: 100 µm)

           group B was significantly longer than that of group   long spindle-like morphology and failed to accumulate
           A (P < 0.05, data not shown). Four of 6 cell lines in   any lipid, differentiating OASCs assumed an expanded
           group B ceased to proliferate at the 6th passage,   morphology consistent with adipocytes and contained
           and only two reached the 7th passage. In contrast,   red staining lipid droplets within the cytoplasm [Figure 3].
           in group A, 5 cell lines from the 6 donors reached the   Quantitatively, the percentage of oil red O-positive
           9th passage and 1 failed at the 7th passage. Thus the   staining cells in group A was obviously higher than that
           cell population doublings (CPDs) were compared in   in group B (P < 0.001) [Figure 4A]. Consistent with the
           pairs from P1 to P5. On average OASCs in group A   staining findings, the real-time PCR results revealed a
           attained 13.41 CPDs. In contrast, only 8.7 doublings   significantly lower expression level of PPARγ mRNA
           were achieved in group B (P < 0.001).              in the middle-aged group than in the younger group
                                                              (P < 0.001) [Figure 4B].
           Flow cytometry analysis
           The cell surface marker expression of OASCs from   DISCUSSION
           older and younger donors was compared using flow   The multi-lineage differentiation capacity of OASCs
           cytometry analysis. Our results showed that cells in   has shown great therapeutic potential in the fields
           both groups were negative for CD14, CD19, CD34     of ophthalmology and regenerative medicine.  [4-7]
           and CD45, and positive for CD73, CD90 and CD105    Although the literature indicates that aging has less
           (typical markers for adult mesenchymal stem cells,   effect on the self-renewal and differentiation potential
           MSCs). No significant difference existed between the   of ASCs isolated from SF tissue, [10-12]  whether this fact
           two groups (P > 0.05).                             holds true in OASCs derived from elderly humans
                                                              remains unknown. In this study, the authors make the
           Adipogenic differentiation potential               first report on the age-related effects on the biological
           Adipogenic differentiation of OASCs was confirmed   properties of human OASCs, demonstrating that the
           by oil red O staining after a 14-day induction period.   adipogenic differentiation and proliferative capabilities
           Compared to the non-induced cells, which exhibited   of OASCs decrease with advancing age.

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