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Ashraf. Plast Aesthet Res 2016;3:320-1                                             Plastic and
           DOI: 10.20517/2347-9264.2016.71
                                                                                  Aesthetic Research

            Commentary                                                                          Open Access

           Comment on “Breast cancer-related

           lymphedema: quality of life after lymph

           node transfer”

           Azra Ashraf

           Affiliates in Plastic Surgery, Mclean, VA 22101, USA.
           Correspondence to: Dr. Azra Ashraf, Affiliates in Plastic Surgery, Mclean, VA 22101, USA. E-mail:
           How to cite this article: Ashraf A. Comment on “Breast cancer-related lymphedema: quality of life after lymph node transfer”. Plast Aesthet Res
           Article history: Received: 26-08-2016                 Accepted: 06-09-2016               Published: 30-09-2016

           As plastic surgeons, improvements in quality of life are   simultaneously as part of breast reconstruction, when
           often the goal of our labor. As the vascularized lymph   attempting to study the experiential effect of lymph node
           node transfer (VLNT) procedure continues to evolve   transfer in situ, it’s difficult to delineate.
           to become the surgical solution for lymphedema,
           proving  the  efficacy  not  only  as  a  technique,  but   In my experience, breast reconstruction is an integral
           equally as important, its impact on quality of life is   component of patients’ wellbeing. With the prevalence
           pivotal. De Brucker  et al.  elegantly demonstrates   of breast cancer-related lymphedema up to 49%,  it is
           quality improvements during a 29-month postoperative   critical we seek a surgical solution. As the field of lymph
           duration through a validated survey (Upper Limb    node transfer continues to mature your study is the first
           Lymphedema-27 Questionnaire).                      to demonstrate an improvement in quality of life via a
                                                              validated survey and furthermore sets the foundation
           Although I largely agree with the results and the study   that VLNT improves wellbeing and functionality in this
           design, I speculate recall bias may be high. In this   patient population.
           study, patients received 2 Upper Limb Lymphedema-27
           Questionnaires postoperatively.  Though the surveys   Financial support and sponsorship
           were  identical,  one  was  to  be  completed  based  on   None.
           the patients’ pre-operative status (a duration of up to
           5 years previously). In addition, 22 patients of the   Conflicts of interest
           25 patients underwent simultaneous procedures      There are no conflicts of interest.
           (DIEP  &  lymph  node  transfer),  combining  the  risk,
           morbidity and ultimately the patient’s experience of 2   Patient consent
           separate procedures.  This may have implications in   Not involved.
           recall bias because of the resultant limitation when
           comparing  seemingly  identical  procedures.  Though  it   Ethics approval
           is certainly reasonable to perform lymph node transfer   Not involved.

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