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Liu et al.                                                                                                                                                                                Adipogenesis of obital fat stem cells

           quantities of fat tissue, minimal patient discomfort, little   with obesity (body mass index > 25 kg/m ), orbital
           donor-site morbidity and ease of cell isolation.  Thus,   disease or endocrine disease were excluded from this
           there has been growing interest in applying ASCs as   study. The donors were divided into two age groups:
           a potential cell source in the field of tissue engineering   group A (26.33 ± 6.48 years old, n = 10) and group B
           and regenerative medicine during the past decade.  (56.44 ± 5.83 years old, n = 10). Patients in group A
                                                              had no baggy eye appearance while those in group
           The human body can be segmented into various depots   B had dermatochalasis with typical OF protrusion in
           of fatty tissue based on anatomic region.  These   the lower eyelids. Fat samples were preserved on ice
           depots vary in the amount of adipose tissue and may   under aseptic condition, transported to the laboratory
           produce ASCs with different biological characteristics.   immediately after surgery, and processed within 6 h.
           The orbital cavity contains a highly specialized adipose
           depot which differs from the subcutaneous fat (SF)   Evaluation of adipocyte morphology
           developmentally and functionally.  The existence of   After weight measurement, four specimens in each
           human orbital adipose-derived stem cells (OASCs) also   group were fixed in 10% formalin overnight, embedded
           has been confirmed, which can differentiate into the   in paraffin, sectioned in 5-µm thickness and processed
           corneal epithelial lineage, smooth muscle lineage and   for routine hematoxylin and eosin (HE) staining. Images
           neuronal lineage under specific inductive conditions,   were taken in triplicate for each specimen using an
           showing great therapeutic potential in treating orbital   optical microscope (IX70, Olympus, Tokyo, Japan). The
           and ocular diseases. [4-7]                         photographs were processed with the green channel
                                                              to enhance edge prominence using the Image-Pro
           The location of orbital fat (OF) may change dramatically   Plus software (v6.0, Media Cybernetics, Silver Spring,
           from young to old age, especially in the lower eyelids.   MD, USA). Three main descriptive parameters were
           Normally the OF is located behind the septum and   measured for evaluation of adipocyte morphology as
           in front of the aponeurosis, occupying most of the   follows: cell diameter (length of the longest line joining
           orbital cavity. By middle or early old age, it often   two points and passing through the centroid), perimeter
                                                              and area.  Approximately 300 adipocytes were
           migrates forward to the preseptal region, resulting   measured for each histological image.
           in a baggy appearance of the eyes. An interesting
           question therefore arises from this phenomenon:    Isolation and expansion of OASCs
           will aging influence the functional characteristics of
           OASCs? Identifying this issue is of significance when   OASCs were isolated and expanded using methods
           autologous OASC-based therapies are designed for   previously reported with minor modification.  Briefly,
                                                              after washing in phosphate buffer solution (PBS,
           elderly patients. To date, however, little literature has   pH 7.4, Sigma, Shanghai, China) extensively, 6 OF
           investigated the relationship between age and the   samples from each group were minced with sterile
           biological properties of OASCs.                    scissors and digested with 0.1% type I collagenase
                                                              solution (Worthington Biochemical Corp, Lakewood,
           In this study, the authors tested whether the proliferative   NJ, USA) at 37  C for 60 min with constant agitation.
           and differentiation potentials of human OASCs are   The  upper  layer  of  adipocytes  was  removed  by
           affected by donor age. First, the OF samples were   aspiration and the remaining cells were filtered
           harvested from young (with normal OF) and middle-  through a 100-µm and then a 40-µm nylon strainer (BD
           aged patients (with protruded OF) during routine   Bioscience, Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA). Filtered cells
           blepharoplasty. Histological evaluation was performed   were centrifuged for 5 min at 400 g, and resuspended
           to observe the morphological changes of fat cells in   in 3 mL of growth medium [GM, containing low-glucose
           relation to age. Next, OASCs were isolated from OF   Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (LG-DMEM,
           samples and expanded in vitro. The cell yield, surface   Gibco, Grand Island, NY, USA) and 10% fetal bovine
           marker expression and growth kinetics were assessed.   serum (HyClone, Logan, UT, USA) plus 1% antibiotic/
           Finally OASCs were cultured under adipogenic condition   antimycotic]. The viability of cells was assessed using
           to compare their differentiation potential into adipocytes.  the trypan blue exclusion method and the single-cell
                                                              suspension was plated onto 35-mm culture dishes
           METHODS                                            (Falcon, B&D Bioscience, San Jose, CA, USA) at a
                                                              density of 50,000 cells/cm . The medium was replaced
           Harvest of orbital fat samples                     48 h after cell plating to remove the non-adherent red
           Adipose tissue samples were surgically harvested   blood cells and changed twice a week thereafter.
           during lower lid blepharoplasty from the central
           compartments of the OF in 20 healthy female patients   Cell colony forming and growth kinetics
           who had previously given informed consent. Patients   The total number of fibroblastic colony-forming units
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