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Palmetun Ekbäck et al.                                                                                                                            Topical rapamycin tuberous sclerosis clinical practice

           Table 1: Patients and results
                                                   CO 2                 Skin     Erythema
           No.  Gender  Age,  Skin lesions  Erythema   laser   Duration of   lesions post   post   Side   Sirolimus
                       year     (pre)      (pre)   (pre)   treatment   treatment  treatment  effects  conc
           1      M     15   Papules and   Medium  No      6 months  Not improved  Not improved  None  Not done
           2      F     4      Papules    Medium   Yes    14 months   Improved    Excellent  None    Not done
           3      M     10     Papules     Slight  No    6 + 3 months*  Improved  Improved  Dryness  Not detected

           4      F     2      Papules    Medium   No      7 months   Excellent   Excellent  None    Not done
           5      F     13   Papules and   Medium  Yes    10 months  Not improved  Improved  Dryness  Not detected
           6      M     12   Papules and   Medium  No    8 + 12 months* Not improved  Improved  Dryness  Not detected
           7      M     30     Papules     Slight  Yes   1.5 + 1 month*  Not improved  Not   Dryness  Not done
           8      F     43     Papules    Medium   Yes   9 + 16 months*  Excellent  Excellent  None  Not detected
           9      F     9      Papules    Medium   No      Drop out      -           -         -     Not done
           10     M     2   Fibrous cephalic   Medium  No  9 + 4 months*  Not improved  Not   None   Not detected
                               Plaque                                             improved
           11     M     7      Papules    Medium   No      Drop-out      -           -         -     Not done
           12     M     19     Papules    Medium   Yes   19 + 7 months*  Improved  Improved   None   Not done
           13     F     19     Papules    Medium   Yes   11 + 7 months*  Improved  Improved  None    Not done
           14     M     18     Papules    Medium   Yes   5 + 14 months*  Improved  Improved  None    Not done
           15     M     21     Papules    Medium   Yes     3 months  Not improved   Not      None    Not done
           16     F     26     Papules    Medium   No     33 months   Improved    Improved   None    Not done
           17     F     29     Papules     Slight  Yes     5 months      †           †        †    Not applicable
           18     F     33     Papules    Medium   Yes     3 months      †           †        †    Not applicable
           19     F     52     Papules     Slight  Yes     3 weeks   Discontinued           Dryness,   Not done
                                                                                           itching and
           20     F     9      Papules    Medium   Yes   6 + 5 months*  Improved  Improved  Itching  Not done
           21     F     10     Papules    Medium   Yes      5 + 6    Not  improved  Improved  Stinging  Not done
           22     F     16     Papules    Medium   Yes     3 weeks   Discontinued          Pain, ery-  Not done
           23     M     32     Papules    Severe   Yes    1.5 months  Not improved  Excellent  None  Not done
           *Paused the treatment during summer months; †Received oral rapamycin for internal hamartomas

           All patients except three were evaluated during visits   The erythema was improved in 12 of 17 patients
           where the skin status was compared with the pre-   (70%) [Figure 4], of whom 4 had excellent results
           treatment photos. Three patients lived far away and   [Table 1]. The median age of the patients whose
           were evaluated through photos sent by e-mail. Five   erythema responded (improved and excellent) was
           patients had blood samples taken for rapamycin     12.5 years (2-43 years) and median treatment time
           measurement but none had detectable rapamycin levels.   was 12.5 months (1.5-33 months). The median age for
                                                              the patients whose erythema did not respond was 18
           Papules were improved in 9 patients (53%), of whom 2   years (2-30 years) and median treatment time was 4.5
           had results classed as excellent [Figures 2 and 3]. The   months (2.5-13 months). During the summer pause,
           median treatment time for the patients who responded   lesions and erythema recurred.
           (improved or excellent results) was 16 months (7-
           33 months). The patients who did not respond (not   Initially, rapamycin was prescribed on a daily basis.
           improved results) had a median treatment time of   Six of 17 patients (35%) had mild side effects, such
           10 months (1.5-13 months). The 3 patients with both   as dryness, itching and stinging, but could continue
           papules and nodules did not improve. The patient   the treatment when using the solution every second
           with a fibrous cephalic plaque did not respond to   to third day. In practice, the treatment was performed
           treatment. The median age of the patients whose skin   every second to third day. The reasons for this were
           lesions were improved was 13 years (2-43 years). The   both side effects and compliance problems. Eleven of
           median age of the patients whose skin lesions were   these 17 patients had CO 2  laser treatment 3-5 months
           not improved was 14 years (2-32 years).            [Figures 3, 5, 6 and 7] before rapamycin treatment.

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