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Palmetun Ekbäck et al.                                                                                                                            Topical rapamycin tuberous sclerosis clinical practice

            A                                     B                      C

           Figure 6: Patient 13. (A) before CO 2  laser and rapaymcin; (B) after CO 2  laser and before rapamycin; (C) after CO 2  laser and rapamycin

            A                     B                           one could conclude that blood test is not needed in
                                                              patients treated with topical rapamycin.
                                                              There was a tendency that longer treatment with
                                                              topical rapamycin gave better effect. However, nodules
                                                              responded less to topical treatment and cephlic plaque
                                                              did not respond at all.

                                                              We were initially uncertain of the interaction between
                                                              rapamycin and ultraviolet radiation, so the patients
                                                              were in the beginning instructed to avoid sun-light.
                                                              Claims of such interactions have however been
           Figure 7: Patient 14. (A) after the last session of CO 2  laser and   refuted, as subsequent randomized controlled studies
           before rapamycin; (B) after CO 2  laser and rapamycin  have shown a reduced risk of malignancies and
                                                              non-melanoma skin cancer in transplant recipients
           larger than 4 mm did not respond to topical rapamycin.   receiving oral rapamycin. [20]
           In our observation, all patients who paused treatment
           during summer relapsed, which shows that mTOR      This is a retrospective observational study. There was
           inhibition needs to be continuous. There were also   no set schedule for the visits, as some of the patients
           tendencies for younger patients to respond better,   lived far from the clinics and had other severe medical
           which reflect the importance of early treatment. This   problems. Many of our patients had the diagnosis
           is in accordance with a study by Tanaka et al. [14]  who   of TAND and could not participate in a standardized
           also reported greater effects in patients younger than   examination, however it was possible to get photos of
           ten years. Five studies reported mild side effects, such   all the patients.
           as stinging and skin irritation. [6,12,14,16,18]  In our study,
           8 of 23 patients had side effects, and 2 discontinued   Follow-up was done mainly through visits in person,
           treatment because of pain and swelling. Six of the   but  in  3  cases  through  the  use  of  photos. The
           patients who got side effects could continue the   grading of treatment outcome did not employ the
           treatment with no side effects if they used the solution   Facial Angiofibroma Severity Index. That scale has
           every second to third day. We used an oral solution   just recently been validated and published. [21]  So
           not designed for topical treatment, as has been    we graded the skin lesions in papules, nodules and
           reported in a previous study.  This solution contains   erythema and discussed the photos with each other in
           ethanol and propylenglycol, which might explain some   order to reach consensus about our grading system.
           of the side effects. On the other hand, the solution is   We used an oral rapamycin solution, which might
           without oily element and is therefore more suited for   have given more side effects. Patients who had not
           teenagers who besides angiofibromas could have     received CO 2  laser treatment did respond as good as
           facial acne. The ex tempore ointment that has been   patients who had not received CO 2  laser treatment.
           available lately contains petrolatum but could be a   One explanation to that is probably that patients with
           good alternative for toddlers. We could not detect   papules bigger than 4 mm, that is known to respond
           rapamycin in the blood of our first 5 patients. This is in   less to topical rapamycin, had received CO 2  laser on
           accordance to other studies in the field. [5,6,8,10-13,17,19]  So   these papules. [15]

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