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Sharma et al.                                                                                                                                                                                                 Morel-Lavalle lesion

            A                            B                                  C

           Figure 4: Magnetic resonance images. (A) T1W image shows hypointense collection under the skin but overlying the fascia (white arrow);
           (B) T2W image shows the collection as hyperintense with well defined margins (hollow white arrow); (C) STIR images reveal the collection
           as hyperintense with suppression of surrounding fat (hollow white arrow)
                          A                                  B

           Figure 5: Magnetic resonance axial sections. (A) T2W image shows the “fluid-fluid level” (white solid arrow) within the collection (black
           star); (B) T2W fat suppressed image also shows the fat suppression of the fat lobule in the lumen (hollow black arrow). There is also the
           fluid-fluid level seen in the background of hyper intensity of the fluid and hypointensity of the old blood (white solid arrow)

           be called for follow up to rule out any reaccummulation   may form a capsule with unchanged size. Swellings
           of the fluid.                                      of longer duration can be mistaken for soft tissue
                                                              tumors and therefore have to be differentiated from
           DISCUSSION                                         sarcoma, haemangioma and fat necrosis. US imaging
                                                              is characteristic of MLL as anechoic lesions with or
           MLL is a common condition and has got other names   without fat globules within it.  Color flow imaging does
           like post-traumatic soft tissue cyst or pseudolipoma.   not show any vascularity or feeding vessels. Non-
           Post traumatic swelling of soft tissues is not uncommon   contrast computed tomography of the thigh shows
           and this can be misleading when degloving injury is   fluid-fluid level because of the different density of the
           present. The underlying mechanism is very simple   blood and other fluid. MRI is the modality of choice for
           as the small vessels and lymphatics are torn due   delineation of the lesions. This can differentiates the
           to disruption of the skin layer from the underlying   fluid contents and underlying fascia. The fat globules
           fascia by the direct and tangential forces. The fluid   seen in the lesion can easily be confirmed by fat
           accumulates in this potential space and presents as   suppression sequences. [5,6]  The differential diagnosis of
           swelling on the affected region.  The most common   these lesions is haemangioma, fat necrosis, sarcoma
           place is on the lateral aspect of the greater trochanter   or simple subcutaneous hematoma formation. The
           but  can  happen  anywhere  on  the  thigh. These   management is dependent on the size, location and
           swellings can either subside because of absorption of   the duration of the lesion.  Conservative management
           fluid or become encapsulated. These can also become   is advocated for smaller lesions without presence of
           infected and there is a potential for overlying skin   septations and infection.  Lesions with capsule and
           necrosis.  The collected fluid is usually serosanguinous   septations require surgical drainage. Post surgical
           in nature. The septation and fat globules can also   graduated compression by stocking prevent the
           be seen in some swellings as it was in our case.   reaccumulation of the collection by agglutinating the
           These lesions may be associated with fractures, and   skin to underlying fascia. [9]

                           Plastic and Aesthetic Research ¦ Volume 3 ¦ October 25, 2016                   337
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