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Haffner                                                                                                                                                                               The temporal endoscopic midface lift

           Figure 5: Endoscopic suture technique of the author  Figure 6: Internal anchoring suture of the skin flap into the inside of the flap

           polyester threads (Astralen-R Assut Europe, Italy)   point is about 1 cm below the horizontal level of the
           are used with good results and no reactions. The   corner of the eye which is anchored onto in the middle
           thread strength for the malar SMAS should be at least   third of the zygomatic bone. The second internal skin
           USP 0-0 or USP 1-0 to avoid soft tissue cut-through   anchorage connect the skin with the the lateral third
           after anchoring or imbrication. The anchoring suture   of the zygoma or the temporal fascia at the projection
           is placed into the stable fascia or periosteum of the   of the hairline [Figure 6]. Both of the internal skin flap
           zygomatic bone at the high level described above. In   sutures involve the Caper´s fascia of the skin but
           selected cases, additional subperiosteal mobilization   none of them should cause a visible skin dimple after
           of the midface through the trans-oral approach is an   knotting them. However small dimples can be good
           option to achieve tension-free midface repositioning   managed by subcision and/or fat or PRP filling, which
           and anchorage.                                     are proposed for volume reconstruction and deflation
                                                              correction in the postoperative period in any case of
           The author´s method of midface fixation            facial aging.
           It is difficult to work with thick sutures and large
           needles of 24 mm or 36 mm length through an        As a result, the skin obtains the necessary redraping
                                                              with long-term internal fixation and skin tension at
           endoscopic tunnel. The author devised a solution
           to this with a technique as follows: The first stitch   the temporal wound is alleviated. The skin-to-malar,
           is placed through the skin, from the outside into   zygomatic or temporal fascial anchors located 4-5 cm
           the inside of the endoscopic cavity [Figure 5]. This   caudal to the wound edge, have instead taken up this
           stitch also catches the SMAS under endoscopic      tension. These internal skin flap anchors shorten the
                                                              distance between the sagging and fixation points.
           visualization and control. The suturing continues
           within the endoscopic cavity, the patency of which is
           maintained with the endoscopic dissector. The suture   By a conventional facelift, the skin is pulled at the
           thread is then completely pulled into the endoscopic   level of the wound edges, far from the saging skin
           cavity and knotted instrumentally.                 parts in the midface, which should be elevated. A
                                                              conventional facelift is therefore not effective for the
                                                              redraping, reposition and fixation of the midface skin.
           Direct internal flap anchorage                     This disadvantage of the average facelift technique is
           The redraping and stable attachment of the skin flap   compensated by internal skin fixation of the TEM lift.
           onto the temple is very important for lift stability and   A further advantage of the internal skin anchorage is
           longevity. It is insufficient to rely on SMAS imbrications   to prevent pulling of the hair bearing skin, to prevent
           and the high malar SMAS lift for this. Internal flap   excising too much from it and to prevent sliding back
           fixation is a necessary adjunct to impart this stable   the hairline too much. The goal of any facelift is to
           attachment and has the added benefit of relieving skin   elevate the sagging soft tissues. If only skin sutures
           tension at the wound edges [Figure 6]. This is done   alone are used to hold the sagging tissues, the skin
           by repositioning, rotating and internally anchoring the   will stretch out over a short time, resulting in loss of
           skin flap.                                         lifting efficiency and longevity. Resorbable threads
                                                              with strength of USP 3-0 are used for this purpose
           It will be taken out by placing USP 2-0 or USP 3-0   and should not cause flap ischemia. If the anchoring
           polyglactin sutures onto the internal surface of the skin   sutures are well laid out, the yield of the skin surplus is
           flap in two points as follows: The first skin anchoring   approximately 1-2 cm in the temporal wound [Figure 7].

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