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Figure 2: Relation between transplants and allografts reasons
Figure 1: Number of allograft procedures by institutiont
generated some questions: was there a greater awareness
Table 7: Degree and extension of burns of families from potential donors, who were able to
Variable Descriptive statistics observe the care of many burned patients during their
own hospital experience? Was the team that approached
Patients number Percentage families of potential donors at the HUEC better prepared
Burn depth to explain skin donation and demystify this procedure, still
Only third-degree 20 80.00 rarely performed in Brazil? This and possible additional
Second and third-degree 4 16.00 factors should be analyzed to understand why the number
Only deep second degree 1 4.00 of donors in other major trauma hospitals in the region
Total 25 100.00 were lower when compared to those from HUEC. Because
Compromised body area (%) the offer to donate is provided to the same population,
75 2 8.00 the outcomes could be decisive in increasing the rates of
65 1 4.00 skin donation and transplantation.
56 1 4.00
48 1 4.00 During this 1st year of operation, changes were made in the
45 7 28.00 thickness of the retrieved skin. Until February 2014, the grafts
40 1 4.00 harvested were between 0.7 mm and 0.8 mm in thickness.
38 1 4.00 Increased experience in collection and use of the allografts
36 1 4.00 demonstrated that, for better integration, the tissue should
35 3 12.00 have a thickness of 0.4 mm despite the somewhat more
20 3 12.00 complicated and time‑consuming manipulation.
18 1 4.00
15 1 4.00 The number of discarded tissue batches was high,
10 2 8.00 surpassing by approximately 30% the discard rates at the
Porto Alegre skin bank from 2008 to 2012. In contrast
to other national and most international skin banks, the
Table 8: Transplanted body areas HUEC skin bank protocols did not include exposure of the
Variable Descriptive statistics n (%) harvest skin to antibiotics or other disinfecting agents,
Allograft region (recipients) mainly due to high costs. The data obtained has led to a
Lower limb 18 (60.00) view of the protocols, in particular, considering that quite
Thorax 18 (60.00) a significant number of donors had been hospitalized
Upper limb 14 (46.67) in the Intensive Care Unit and thus highly manipulated.
Back 8 (26.67) The goal is to mimic the outcomes of the Helsinki bank,
Face 7 (23.33) where no batch has been discarded for 8 years. [9]
Cervical 3 (10.00) On analysis of the skin made available for transplantation,
Abdomen 2 (6.67) the retrieved skin area amounted to 31,314.63 cm²,
Perineum 1 (3.33) which is a small number when compared to the skin
Buttocks 1 (3.33) bank of Helsinki, which scored an average of 44,335 cm²
Genitalia 1 (3.33)
per year from 2001 to 2008. This was higher than the
Clinical Hospital in São Paulo which raised approximately
to 257 people with black skin and 59 with yellow skin. 153,000 cm² of tissue from 2001 to 2006. Comparing
Interestingly, there were no black or yellow skin donors, the average area, the HUEC accounted for 1,252.59 cm²
raising the possibility that social, cultural and educational of retrieved tissues per donor, a number compatible with
factors within this population cohort may have influenced that obtained by the bank of Porto Alegre, but still far
the consent outcomes for skin donation. below that of the Helsinki bank.
Almost half of the skin donation consents were obtained One deviation from acceptance criteria was identified
at the HUEC where the skin bank is located. This outcome during the retrieval process, when a lung cancer donor
330 Plast Aesthet Res || Vol 2 || Issue 6 || Nov 12, 2015